The East Baton Rouge Parish School Board recognizes that it is essential to the maintenance of a democratic society that public business be performed in an open and public manner, exceptas provided by state law, and that the citizens be advised of and be aware of the performance of public officials and the deliberations and decisions that go into the making of public policy.
In matters of procedures not covered by law, School Board policy, or the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, meetings of the School Board, including committee meetings, shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Revised. The President shall be entitled to discuss and vote on all matters before the School Board.
each month to consider those items contained on the
agenda prepared for each meeting. Each meeting shall be conducted
in accordance with these Rules of Procedure. The meeting
on the first Thursday of each month will be a meeting of the School
Board’s Committee of the Whole (COW) and the third Thursday is
designated as the School Board’s regular meeting unless otherwise
provided for herein. A meeting may be extended for a specific
period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes, but only by unanimous
consent of all Board members then present. Only one additional
thirty (30) minute extension may be considered and if unanimous
consent,the meeting is extended for an additional thirty (30)
minutes. When the time of a meeting has reached 8:50 p.m.,
the presiding officer may call for a motion and vote to extend
the meeting an additional thirty(30) minutes. Absent unanimous
consent to extend the meeting, the meeting ends at 9 p.m.
Except as otherwise provided in these Rules of Procedure,
all meetings of the School Board shall be held at its domicile
and offices at 1050 South Foster Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
A meeting of the Committee of the Whole and/or a regular meeting of the School Board may be cancelled,or the time and place thereof changed, by the President of the School Board when circumstances warrant, or by a motion duly adopted at a regular or special meeting of the School Board. Notice of such change and notice of the agenda for any Committee of the Whole meeting and/or regular School Board meeting shall be given by:
Posting a copy of the notice at the School Board Office,
or publishing same in the official journal of the School Board
no less than twenty-four (24) hours exclusive of Saturdays,
Sundays,and legal holidays,before the meeting; and
Mailing a copy of the notice and agenda to any member
of the news media who requests notice of such meetings; any
such member of the news media shall be given notice of all
meetings in the same manner as is given to members of the
School Board.
In addition to the above,by providing notice on the School Board’s website no less than twenty-four (24) hours immediately preceding the meeting.
In the event the time to end a regular meeting is reached and items remain on the agenda that have not been considered, such items will be deferred for future action as “Unfinished Business”to the next regular meeting agenda without any action required by the Board members, or if action is required prior to the next meeting then by majority vote of the entire Board to set a special meeting. If a Committee of the Whole meeting ending time is reached and items remain on the COW agenda that have not been considered, such items will be deferred for future action as “Unfinished Business” on the next COW agenda without any action required by the Board or if action is required prior to the next meeting then by majority vote of the entire Board to set a special meeting.
Special meetings of the School Board may be called only
by the President or by a
majority of the entire
School Board
except that
when the
President is
out of
the Parish, ill, or
otherwise unavailable,
the Vice-President
of the
School Board
may call a special
meeting of the School Board.
No special meeting may be called except upon written notice
to the members of the School Board, Superintendent, and public
or by motion adopted at an official School Board meeting. Such
written notice must be signed by the President, Vice President,
or a majority of the members of the entire School Board,
as the case may be. Such written notice shall be provided at least
twenty-four (24) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal
holidays, prior to the time of such special meeting; additionally,
the Superintendent and/or his/her designee shall attempt to contact
all Board members by telephone. Such written notice shall also
be posted at the School Board Office, the school system website,
and forwarded to any member of the news media who has requested
such notice. Special meetings shall not extend more than four
(4) hours absent a unanimous vote of the Board members then present
to extend the meeting for an additional thirty (30) minutes.
The written notice required herein, or the motion adopted
at an official School Board meeting, shall state the date, time
and place of such special meeting, and shall specify the matters
to be considered at such meeting. Notice of the meeting will also
be provided via the school system’s website not less than twenty-four
(24) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays,
immediately preceding the scheduled time of the meeting. Failure
to timely post notice via the Internet or the inability of the
public to access the website due to any type of technological
failure shall not be a violation of the Open Meetings law or this
No matter or item not stated in the call for the special meeting
shall be considered by the School Board at such meeting except
upon unanimous approval of the School Board members
present. The motion to add an item not on the agenda shall
identify the item with reasonable specificity, including the purpose
for the proposed addition to the agenda, and shall be entered
into the minutes.
In cases of extraordinary emergency, the time and notice requirements of this section shall not be required, provided, however, that the person or persons calling such special meeting shall give such notice thereof as they deem appropriate and circumstances permit, including notice to the news media in the same manner as notice is given to School Board members.
No meeting of the School
Board may be officially convened and conducted unless a quorum
(simple majority of the total membership of the School Board)
is present. Retreats and workshops do not require a quorum.
Except as provided in Sections 2(C), 5(A), (G) and (H),
6(B), (D) and (E), 8, and 9 hereof, any motion, resolution or
other action of the School Board shall be deemed
valid only
upon a
favorable vote
of a
majority of the
members of
the total
School Board taken at a properly called regular or special
meeting of the School Board.
Should a quorum cease to be present after a meeting has been officially convened, the presiding officer shall recess the meeting for such time as is deemed appropriate to attempt to reestablish a quorum and may thereafter declare the meeting adjourned if such presiding officer determines that a quorum cannot be obtained within a reasonable time.
Voting shall be by the
use of an electronic voting board which will reflect simultaneously
a "yes", "no", or "abstain" vote
of each member present. When the voting board does not correctly
reflect the voting intent of a member of the School Board, that
member may correct his/her vote by immediately advising the presiding
officer of such error prior to announcement of the vote by the
presiding officer.
When the voting board is not available, the vote may be
taken by a show of hands or by roll call of the members present
at the discretion of the presiding officer. Each School Board
member must be present in his/her seat in the School Board meeting
room in order to have his/her vote counted on the voting board
or otherwise; and no School Board member or other person may cast
a vote, in any manner, for another member of the School Board.
There shall be no voting by proxy and no voting by secret
In determining whether a particular motion, resolution or action of the School Board has received the requisite number of "yea" votes, an "abstention" shall not be counted,and that member shall be considered as not voting. This rule shall apply regardless of whether the required number of favorable votes must be of the total membership of the School Board, of those members present or, of those members present and voting.
The Superintendent and/or his/her designee, with the approval
of the President, shall prepare a concise and efficient written
agenda for each regular School Board meeting, which shall list
the specific items of business for which School Board action is
required and except for Administrative Matters as described in
Section 8 hereof,no matter may be considered by the School Board
which has not been listed on such agenda except after a motion
to suspend these rules to consider a specific item has been adopted
by unanimous approval of the School Board members
present. The motion to add an item not on the agenda shall
identify the item with reasonable specificity, including the purpose
for the proposed addition to the agenda, and shall be entered
into the minutes.
No business, item or matter may be placed upon the agenda
for any School Board meeting except at the direction of a member
of the School Board or the Superintendent, and no business matter
or item not listed on such agenda may be considered by the School
Board or discussed at the meeting without a suspension of the
rules as provided herein above.
The agenda for any particular meeting of the School Board
shall be considered as closed as of 12:00 noon on the Tuesday
immediately preceding such School Board meeting; however, the
Superintendent, with the permission of the School Board President,
may add an item to the agenda when circumstances warrant as long
as the addition is achieved twenty-four (24) hours, exclusive
of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, prior to the scheduled
time of the meeting.
Upon the agenda's being closed, the Superintendent and/or
his/her designee shall immediately prepare the written agenda
and provide it to each member of the School Board,the Superintendent,
the School Board's general counsel, and all newspapers and television
and radio stations who have submitted a written request for such
notification and agenda. The Superintendent and/or his/her designee
shall, at the same time, post a copy of the agenda on the front
door of the School Board Office, and have it posted on the school
system website, and have copies available for interested citizens.
Any item placed on the agenda shall contain a brief explanation
of the subject matter of the item, and the Superintendent is hereby
specifically prohibited from placing an item on the agenda which
does not contain such explanation. Except as provided for in paragraph
5(C) herein, supporting documentation for each item should be
provided to each Board member via email or in extraordinary circumstances
via hand delivery,not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to
the meeting.
Any citizen or organization may request consideration by
the School Board of an item concerning matters within the jurisdiction
of the School Board at a particular School Board meeting by submitting
such request in writing to the Superintendent and/or his/her designee,
together with a brief explanation of the subject matter and the
action requested of the School Board,by 12:00 Noon on the preceding
Thursday one week before any meeting. Within twenty-four
(24) hours after the written request is received, the Superintendent
and/or his/her designee shall notify the citizen or organization
making such request as to whether or not the Superintendent has
placed such item on the agenda.
The written agenda prepared by the Superintendent and/or
his/her designee shall conform to applicable School Board policy,
existing state law and it shall list the business of the School
Board for a particular meeting in an orderly manner.
to order,
invocation, and pledge
of allegiance.
Roll call for determination
of a quorum present.
Approval of minutes.
Recognitions by the Board
or Staff.
Personnel Matters. This
item is generally provided for informational purposes only
unless otherwise provided for by law.
Superintendent’s Report/Update
Educational Presentations
Report from School Board
Appointees to Community Committees/ Agencies
Unfinished Business. Under
unfinished business will be listed items from previous agendas
which were not completed and/or which were specifically deferred
to this particular meeting. These items shall be listed exactly
as they appeared on the previous agenda.
Consent Agenda. The
consent agenda will contain items that are considered to be
routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be
no separate discussion of items unless a School Board member
so requests, in which event the item will be removed from
the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular
agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular
New Business. Those
items that have not been initially considered at the Committee
of the Whole and forwarded to the regular School Board meeting
for consideration.
Regular Agenda items for
School Board consideration
Organizational Items
Review of any appeals of
Student Expulsions
Appeal Hearing for a Student
Adjournment. Meetings of the School Board may be adjourned on motion of the presiding officer or any member of the School Board, which motion will carry unless objections are raised. In the event objection to the adjournment is raised, a vote shall be taken on the motion to adjourn without need of a second to the motion,and the meeting shall be adjourned on the vote of a majority of the members present and voting.
Subject to the exceptions listed below, no item, matter, subject or business which has been considered and voted on at a previous School Board meeting, regardless of the nature of the motion voted upon and regardless of the outcome of the vote, may be considered at a subsequent School Board meeting until after the expiration of sixty (60) days from such vote,unless a motion to suspend the rules to reconsider such item has first been duly made, seconded and carried by the favorable vote of two-thirds (⅔) of the total membership of the School Board. This prohibition shall not apply where the previous motion was to defer action on the item for a specific period of time or until a specific School Board meeting or where the previous motion was to refer the matter to staff personnel or to a committee of the School Board for further study. This prohibition shall also not apply to consideration of items supplemental to an item previously acted upon, but shall apply only where the purpose of the item is to change previous School Board action.
The purpose of School Board
meetings is to allow the duly elected representatives of the people
to consider and act upon matters of importance to the operation
of the school system which are within the jurisdiction and authority
of the School Board. It is in the best interest of the citizens
of this parish that such meetings be conducted in an orderly and
expeditious manner which permits full presentation of information
and viewpoints by interested citizens, followed by thorough discussion
among the School Board, the Superintendent and designated members
of the staff, and concluded with debate and final decisions by
the School Board on those items of business listed on the agenda.
To that end, rules in this section shall govern the conduct of
all meetings of the School Board and its committees and subcommittees.
The President of the School
Board, or in his/her absence,the Vice President of the School
Board, shall serve as the presiding officer for all School Board
meetings. In the absence of both the President and the Vice President,
the Superintendent shall serve as the presiding officer, or the
School Board may elect a temporary chair for that meeting by a
majority vote of those members present and voting.
After the call to order,
invocation, pledge of allegiance, student presentation, roll call
and action on the minutes of any previous meeting, the presiding
officer shall, absent unanimous agreement of the School
Board members present to change the order of listed items,
call in the order listed on the agenda, first the items under
unfinished business and then the items under new business, and
shall recognize first the Superintendent or the School Board member
who caused such item to be placed on the agenda. The Superintendent
or School Board member shall then explain the item. Next, for
any item for which a vote shall be taken, the presiding officer
shall open the floor to the community in accordance with La. Rev.
Stat. Ann. §42:15(A) for input not to exceed three
(3) minutes for any one individual, group or organization prior
to the School Board taking any vote. Members of the public who
wish to speak on the motion or matter, must request permission
to do so when the presiding officer announces such time. The presiding
officer shall, with the approval of the School Board, set a time
limitation on an agenda item. In the event more than five (5)
members of the community request to speak on an agenda item, the
presiding officer may also reduce the time for each individual
input to be less than three (3) minutes. At the conclusion of
the public input, the presiding officer shall again recognize
any members of the School Board to make any motion regarding the
agenda item. Upon a motion and second, the Superintendent and
members of the staff designated by the Superintendent, who wish
to be heard on that item, may be heard in the order the presiding
officer deems advisable. No member of the School Board or staff
shall speak without first being recognized by the presiding officer.
In view of the many items appearing on any agenda, each School
Board member will be allowed a maximum of five (5) minutes to
express his/her views including the time of any requests by the
member made to any staff member and their responses on any agenda
item or any pending primary motion without interruption from the
other members upon initial consideration and five (5) minutes
for any rebuttal. Each Board member will be allotted an
additional three (3) minutes for COMMENTS on an amended motion
and in the event of a substitute motion, each Board member will
be allotted an additional five (5) minutes for any comments on
a substitute motion.
After discussion by the
members of the School Board and the Superintendent and/or his/her
designees has been completed, the presiding officer shall call
for the vote upon the pending motion or any amendments or substitute
motions which may have been made. During School Board discussion
of an agenda item, any School Board member, at any time, may move
the question on any pending motion, substitute motion, amending
motion, etc. and thus conclude further discussion of same, provided
there is an affirmative vote of two-thirds (⅔) of the members
present and voting on the motion for the call for the question.
The presiding officer of
any meeting shall conduct such meeting in accordance with these
Rules of Procedure and shall have authority to make rulings
on interpretation of these Rules of Procedure and any other
matter or question which may arise with regard to conducting the
meeting, including recognition of speakers, whether a speaker
is out of order,etc. The decision of the presiding officer shall
be final unless appealed by a School Board member to the entire
School Board as set forth hereinbelow. Any member of the School
Board who disagrees with a decision of the presiding officer may
appeal such decision to the total School Board. Such appeal may
be taken by a statement to that effect and no second is required.
The presiding officer shall immediately call for a vote on the
question of whether or not the ruling of the presiding officer
shall be sustained. Upon a favorable vote of a majority of
those School Board members present and voting, including the
presiding officer, the rules of the presiding officer shall have
been sustained.
Remote Participation by
Members of the Public with Disabilities
The School Board shall allow any member of the public with a disability
recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act, or a
designated caregiver of such a person, to participate in its meetings
via teleconference or video conference, and shall facilitate participation
by any such person who requests that accommodation prior to the
meeting. Members of the public who desire to participate in this
fashion shall certify that they meet the definition of a person
with a disability recognized under the Americans with Disabilities
Act when they submit, prior to public meetings, their requests
to comment on agenda items and shall comply with the same rules
and regulations on speaking applicable to those participating
in person at such meetings.
In the conduct of meeting of the School Board, any question not covered by these Rules of Procedure shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, Revised.
It is in the public interest that meetings of the School Board or its
committees, in handling the public's business, be conducted in an
orderly and dignified manner. To this end, the following rules are
established for the conduct of all persons, including School Board
members and staff members, attending a meeting of the Board or its
No signs, posters,placards, etc. shall be affixed to the walls, doors,
etc. of the School Board office building or any room therein, except
by the School Board staff in connection with School Board business
and then only with permission of the Superintendent and/or his/her
designee. No sign, placard, or poster which is carried by hand shall
be permitted in the School Board office building or any of its rooms.
All persons attending meetings of the School Board or of its committees
must be recognized by the presiding officer before speaking. In return,
the presiding officer and other School Board members shall courteously
receive the comments made by such persons. Any person who fails
or refuses to obey the rulings and directions of the presiding officer,
or otherwise disrupts the meeting in any manner, shall be requested
by the presiding officer to leave the meeting room for the remainder
of that meeting. If any person refuses to follow the directions of
the presiding officer, the presiding officer shall cause such person
to be removed from the meeting as authorized by La. Rev. Stat. Ann.§42:17 C. and other
applicable laws of the State of Louisiana.
Administrative matters shall be limited to matters of administration
which the Superintendent believes should be brought to the attention
of the School Board and/or matters which have come to his/her attention
after the agenda for that meeting was officially closed and/or which
are in need of immediate action by the School Board. Any items under
Administrative Matters which require School Board action may
be considered only after suspension of the rules by a favorable vote
of two- thirds (⅔) of the total membership of the School Board.
The Rules of Procedure may not be repealed or amended except
by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (⅔) of the total membership
of the School Board.
If any provision item, section, paragraph, clause, or phrase of these
Rules of Procedure or the application thereof, is held invalid,
such invalidity shall not affect any other provision, item, section,
paragraph, clause, phrase, or application of these Rules of Procedure
which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, items,
sections, paragraphs, clauses, phrases or applications, and to this
end the provisions of the Rules of Procedure are hereby declared
to be severable.
Revised: October 16, 2008 | Revised: September 28, 2023 |
Revised: November 21, 2013 | Revised: February 22, 2024 |
Revised: November 20, 2014 | Revised: May 23, 2024 |
Revised: July 21, 2022 |
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 42:15, 42:17, 42:19, 42:19.1
Board minutes, 10-16-08, 11-21-13, 11-20-14, 7-21-22, 9-28-23, 2-22-24, 5-23-24
East Baton Rouge Parish School Board