The East Baton Rouge Parish School Board recognizes that there are times in which private vehicles need to be and are used to transport students to and from school sponsored events. The Board directs that such transportation services shall only be utilized in emergency situations as authorized by the principal. Otherwise, proper student transportation, i.e., Board owned or operated vehicles, shall be used.
When private vehicles are to be used to transport students, such vehicles shall be chosen in advance of the anticipated usage, whenever possible. In situations where private vehicles are to be used for transporting students to school related activities, the following guidelines shall be adhered to:
The owner of the vehicle shall provide proof of current automobile liability insurance currently in force to the principal.
The identification card issued by the insurer shall be acceptable.
A photocopy shall be made by the School Board representative planning the field trip and attached to the Field Trip Request Form for submission.
Commercial carriers such as Greyhound or Hotard may submit an insurance certificate to the Office of Risk Management to be maintained on file for a period of one year. Groups wishing to use commercial carriers then need only to obtain confirmation from the Office of Risk Management that the insurance is in force. At the start of each school year, the Office of Risk Management shall send a list of carriers with insurance on file to the schools.
In the case of student drivers, a certified copy of his/her driver records shall be provided by that student's parents at the students' expense, to the principal, at least two (2) school days prior to departure. Students with tickets, accidents, or other areas of concern regarding driving records, who are planning to drive for the field trip, shall meet with the principal, the field trip planner, and possibly a representative of the Office of Risk Management, at that time to determine whether or not that student will be allowed to drive.
All students shall have written permission from their parents to travel with the group.
The number of students transported shall be limited to the recommended capacity of the vehicle. Seat belts shall be available for every passenger and each occupant of the vehicle shall buckle with the appropriate seat belt. Under no circumstances shall students be allowed to ride in the bed of a pick-up truck.
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:81
East Baton Rouge Parish School Board