Cf: II
The East Baton Rouge Parish School Board requires that standardized test preparation be undertaken with the use of appropriate materials and documents that are designed for such a purpose. To facilitate this practice:
For grades administering Iowa Tests, schools shall only use materials that are commercially produced for Iowa Tests practice and are approved by the Administrative Director of Academic Accountability. Test administration shall only be conducted during the last full week of November through the first two weeks of December and the last two full weeks of February. Practice tests should be used as diagnostic tools to enhance and adjust instructional strategies. Practice tests materials must be administered as such, subject to all appropriate policies and procedures. Any variations made to specified procedures shall be approved by the Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Services. Only one title shall be used at each grade level.
Schools shall use the LEAP Practice Tests developed by the Department of Academic Accountability and any substitutions shall be approved by the Administrative Director of Academic Accountability. Test administration for elementary Schools shall only be conducted beginning the last full week of November through the last school week of December. LEAP practice tests for middle and high schools shall only be conducted during the month of January. The multiple-choice parts of the test shall be answered on Scantrons that can be scored by the Department of Academic Accountability. Schools will receive an item analysis for all classes submitting Scantron forms. Constructed-response items and essay items shall be scored by the teachers. Intellectual property rights, copyright laws, and ethical practices shall be adhered to and respected by all school personnel.
Materials posted on websites shall be subject to the same requirements outlined above.
East Baton Rouge Parish School Board