Cf: EE
The East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and the entire East Baton Parish School System (EBRPSS) is committed to the optimal physical and academic development of every student. For students to achieve personal, academic, developmental, and social success, the system must create positive, safe, and health-promoting learning environments at every level, in every setting, throughout the school year. The system will align health and wellness efforts with other school improvement endeavors to ensure the optimal health and academic success of all students.
The intent of this policy is to influence students of all grade levels to make nutritious food choices, establish healthy eating habits and increase physical activity, with an emphasis on developing life-long healthy habits. Furthermore, it is important to note that the implementation of the wellness Initiatives includes both short and long-term goals.
This local school wellness policy (LWP) outlines the system's approach to ensuring that the school environment provides opportunities for all students to practice healthy eating and physical activity behaviors throughout the school day. This policy applies to all students, staff, and schools in the system. Specific measurable goals and outcomes are identified within each section.
The School Board designates the Superintendent to develop and maintain regulations and standards of operations (SOPs) for implementation to manage and coordinate the execution of the local school wellness policy (LWP). The regulations and SOPs shall include the requirements of federal and state laws and regulations, delineate roles, responsibilities, actions, and timelines specific to each school; and include information about persons responsible for making changes; as well as specific goals and objectives for nutrition standards for all foods and beverages available on the school campus, food and beverage marketing, nutrition promotion and education, physical activity, physical education and other school-based activities that promote student wellness.
This LWP and any progress reports shall be maintained on the system’s website.
The School Board designates the Superintendent to establish a Local Wellness Council (LWC) to advise the Superintendent and to inform the School Board on physical activity for students, physical and health education, nutrition, and overall student health. The Superintendent shall appoint the council members and shall include appropriate staff members, parents of students and individuals representing the community, as well as school health and food service professionals. The Superintendent will designate the Chairperson of the Council. The School Wellness Council shall assist in implementation, periodic review, and updating of the LWP. The Superintendent and designated administrative staff and school personnel together with the LWC have operational responsibility to ensure system schools are meeting the tenets of the LWP. The duties and activities of the LWC will be provided in an SOP from the Superintendent or Division of Human Resources.
The Council Chairperson will convene the LWC at least four times each school year, facilitate development of and updates to the Local Wellness Policy (LWP) and ensure each school's compliance with the policy. The members of the LWC will perform needs assessments and sets goals utilizing CDCs assessment tools or other appropriate assessment tools. The names and contact information of the council members and meetings will be made readily available to the public. The results of each quarterly meeting shall be reported to the School Board by the Superintendent. The Superintendent will recommend to the School Board any changes suggested by the LWC.
Each building principal or administrator in charge shall establish and appoint a school-level committee to be comprised of school staff, students, caregivers, and community stakeholders to support school-level Implementation of the LWP. The names and contact information of the committee members and meetings will be made readily available to the public.
The system is committed to ensuring that the community is aware of and involved in the development and implementation of the LWP. The system will actively communicate the ways in which representatives of the LWC, School Wellness Committee (SWC) and others can participate in the development, implementation and periodic review and update of the LWP.
Triennial Assessment
At least once every three years, the School Board and the EBRPSS will assess the LWP by measuring the following:
the extent to which the LWP meets the requirements of the final rule The final rule can be found here: (
the extent to which schools under the jurisdiction of the School Board are complying with the LWP
the progress made in attaining the goals of the LWP
the extent to which the LWP compares to model local wellness policies
The EBRPSS ensures that the LWP aligns with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation's Model Wellness Policy.
The EBRPSS will retain records to document the presence of and compliance with the LWP, including but not limited to the following:
the current and previous board-approved LWP
documentation demonstrating that the LWP has been made available to the public
documentation of the most recent system- and school-level assessments of implementation
documentation of efforts to review and update the LWP, including who was involved and how the system made stakeholders aware of their ability to participate
Policy Updates
The EBRPSS will update the LWP based upon the following:
the results of the triennial assessment
system priorities
community needs
the results of school health assessment
school-level implementation progress
emerging scientific information
new federal or state laws, regulations, or guidance
Notification to the Public
The EBRPSS will actively inform caregivers and the public each year of basic information about the LWP, including but not limited to the following:
its content and any updates
system- and school-level implementation status
an explanation of why updates were made, who was involved and how stakeholders were made aware of their ability to participate
the effective dates of any policy changes
the names and contact information of the system and school officials leading and coordinating the DWC
information on how the public can get involved with the LWC
information about LWC meetings including dates, times, locations, agendas, and meeting minutes
mechanisms for the public to provide feedback and comments
The policy can be found here:
The EBRPSS will use multiple methods to distribute this information to the community, including but not limited to the following:
electronic mechanisms (e.g., email)
displaying notices on the EBRPSS and school websites
non-electronic mechanisms (e.g., newsletters)
presentations to caregivers and stakeholders
sending information home to caregivers
If you are interested in participating as a member of the DWC, contact, V. Silas at
School Meals
The EBRPSS is the School Food Authority (SFA) responsible for the administration of one or more schools and has the legal authority to operate the federal meal programs. All schools within the EBRPSS will participate in the National School Lunch (Snack) Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Child Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), the Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program (FFVP) and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), and will provide meals that meet the nutrition standards for school meals as per USDA, the LA Department of Health, and the LA Department of Education.
In an effort to meet and exceed child nutrition program standards, the system will - over time - adopt the Good Food Purchasing Program (GFPP) values: local economies, environmental sustainability, valued workforce, animal welfare, and nutrition. This program is defined in the Good Food Purchasing Policy and refers to the practice of good food procurement best practices that are healthy, affordable, fair, and sustainable. The Good Food Purchasing Policy document upholds the standards, implementation plan, and review process of this work year-over-year. The system shall work with the GFPP national network to implement this values-based approach to child nutrition following the Good Food Procurement Guidelines as identified by the child nutrition program leadership and applicable system staff.
Click on link to access Good Food Policy:
EBRPSS administration will ensure school meals are accessible to all students as well as making accommodations for special dietary needs and food allergies as required by federal regulations. A school meal is offered to every student at no cost as a result of the USDA Community Eligibility Provision. School meals will be prepared by a team of child nutrition program professionals who have met all USDA professional standards.
Food will not be used as a reward or be withheld as a punishment. Menus will be written by chefs and will be USDA compliant. Parents will have access to menus in multiple formats.
Drinking Water at Mealtime - Students will have access to free, unflavored drinking water during mealtimes at school. SP28-2011osr.pdf(
Competitive Foods/Beverages and Fundraisers: All foods and beverages sold outside of the school meal programs, during the school day will, at a minimum, meet Smart Snacks Guidance. The school day is defined as the midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the school day. The system encourages schools to use fundraisers that promote physical activity (e.g., walk-a-thons, American Heart Challenge, or fun runs). USDA Smart Snack Guide
Foods and beverages may be sold at school anytime during the school day if Smart Snacks Standards are met (Refer to the Pennington List for foods that are smart snack compliant). Smart Snack Criteria
Celebrations/Rewards/Classroom Parties/Food Brought from Home - All foods offered on the school campus will meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards. Non-food related rewards, such as a free dress day, an interview with the principal or coach or lunch at a special table with the principal can be offered. Healthy and Active Parties - Action for Healthy Kids
Marketing foods and beverages sold on the school campus during the school day are limited to those that meet smart snack standards. (7 CFR 210.31(c)(3)(iii)). SP 24-2017 (
The EBRPSS will teach, model, encourage and support healthy eating among students. Schools will provide nutrition education integrated into other subjects, as part of health education and/or offer stand-alone classes at each grade level.
The system will ensure it will meet the following goals for health education:
Qualified and trained professionals teach health education.
The health education learning standards and curriculum are regularly evaluated and revised.
Nutrition Promotion
The EBRPSS will ensure that students and staff receive consistent nutrition messages throughout the school campus including in classrooms, gymnasiums, and cafeterias. The system administrators and all school principals will promote healthy food and beverage choices for all students across the school campus during the school day and will encourage participation in school meal programs. Messaging in school announcements, newsletters and website postings will promote healthy food and beverage choices.
The EBRPSS will ensure that a combination of physical activity opportunities will be offered to students in the form of the following:
classroom physical activity, daily recess, and physical education
before-and after-school activities and sports
Bulletin 741- Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators: §2313. Elementary Program of Studies
Each public elementary school that includes any of the grades kindergarten-eight shall provide at least 30 minutes of quality, moderate to vigorous, organized physical activity each day for all students.
The system will ensure it will meet the following goals:
The system requires that all students receive education on the benefits of physical activity.
The system prohibits the use or withholding of physical activity (including recess) as a punishment during the school day and during the extended school day (including during out-of-school time and before and after school).
Teachers will provide opportunities throughout the school day for classroom physical activity that will be integrated into planned academic instruction to reinforce academic concepts and to reinforce skills learned in physical education.
Schools will provide all students with adequate and safe spaces, facilities, equipment, and supplies for recess. Students will not be excluded from recess for disciplinary reasons or academic performance.
Classroom physical activity will be offered in addition to physical education and recess at all school levels.
Classroom teachers receive resources and annual training on promoting physical activity and integrating physical activity in the classroom.
Bulletin 102- Louisiana Physical Education Content Standards: Physical Education
Physical education teachers will assess student knowledge, motor and social skills and provide instruction in a safe and supportive environment.
The system will ensure all PE classes are based upon age-appropriate, sequential physical education curricula that are consistent with national and state standards and administered by trained system physical education professionals to promote the benefits of a physically active lifestyle and help students develop skills to engage in lifelong healthy habits.
The system will ensure that all physical education programming is meeting or exceeding the state and federal regulations for all students systemwide.
The system will incorporate intentional movement breaks and physical activity during instructional time
Students will not be excluded from recess for disciplinary reasons or academic performance in the classroom.
Daily Recess
The EBRPSS will offer time, adequate spaces, facilities, equipment, and supplies for recess. Recess will be offered at all elementary schools for twenty (20) or more minutes on all days during the school year which will complement, not substitute for, physical education class.
Before and After School Activities
The EBRPSS will offer before school activities, intramurals, elementary sports, or interscholastic sports.
The EBRPSS will integrate wellness activities that adhere to the LWP guidelines across the entire school setting, including the cafeteria, other food and beverage venues, classrooms, and physical activity facilities.
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC)
The WSCC model is centered on the school, while connecting to the family and the community to address the needs of the whole child. The WSCC model provides greater alignment, integration and collaboration between health and education. The five tenets located in the center of the WSCC model - healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged - are critical for improving students' health and academic achievement.
School Climate
The system is committed to creating a positive climate across all campuses during the school day and out-of-school time.
The EBRPSS will promote a positive climate that fosters student and employee well-being by engaging in research-based practices that build the capacity of personnel to support all students, prioritize positive and intentional relationships, deal with individual student needs by providing appropriate support, and ensure students have the life, social and emotional skills for post-secondary success.
The EBRPSS will maintain a (Multi-Tiered System of Support) MTSS framework that accounts for needed student support. This framework addresses the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs of students. All students will receive access to instruction that supports continuous improvement including:
Positive behavioral interventions and supports that minimize exclusionary discipline practices such as suspensions and expulsions
Explicitly teaching, modeling, and reinforcing social-emotional learning (SEL) competencies
Trauma-informed approaches into school/classroom practices
Evidence-based programs and practices which support a positive school climate
Student Support
The EBRPSS is committed to ensuring that the social-emotional and behavioral (SEB) needs of all students are met by ensuring:
an evidenced-based process for identifying students with SEB needs is in place
access by students to highly qualified, mental health professionals in the school setting and a pathway for connecting students to community-based providers as needed
school and community-based mental health providers coordinate to address students' needs
The EBRPSS will provide research-based prevention education in the areas of alcohol, drug abuse, and violence. The system is committed to using current, local, state, and national data to address community needs and trends.
The EBRPSS will provide a crisis support team and ensure all schools have been trained in crisis protocols that provide appropriate individualized responses to student and campus needs.
EBRPSS has taken an initiative-taking approach to meeting the multiple and often-complex health care needs of the student population. This is supported by the contractual relationship with Health Centers in Schools to oversee the school nursing program, the school-based health center program and other population health initiatives.
The intent is to identify, develop and implement wellness and health initiatives district wide through the many opportunities that exist within Student Health Services. The school nurses, school-based health center staff, and other partners are an integral part of the overall success of the wellness initiatives; health professionals provide a venue for strengthening the wellness policies, as well as other school-based wellness initiatives. For the purpose of this policy, this section will not address the many roles and responsibilities of the school-based health program, but will focus on the following ways it augments the district’s wellness initiatives:
School-based medical providers will create a safe school environment for food-allergic students through the consistent utilization of Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools training recommendations for teachers and cafeteria personnel. Members of the LWC will randomly and periodically monitor select schools for compliance with the Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools as well as to ensure a workable IHP exists for food-allergic students.
School-based medical and mental health staff will advocate healthier eating habits and increased physical activity by promoting the 5-2-1-0+10 concept through visual messages, as well as using the concept as a guide for nutritional counseling for students identified with unhealthy weights.
Five servings of fruits and vegetables each day
Two hours of screen time only
One hour of vigorous physical activity
Zero sugary drinks
+ Ten hours of sleep every night
The EBRPSS is committed to supporting the physical health needs of all students and community involvement.
Click on link to access SoP: Wellness Policy_School Based SoP
Employee Wellness
The EBRPSS is committed to supporting the physical and mental health and well-being of all system employees.
Click on link to access SoP: Wellness Policy _ Employee Wellness SoP
New Policy: April, 2006 | Revised: September, 2011 |
Revised: December, 2009 | Revised: September 21, 2017 |
Revised: June, 2010 | Revised: September 28, 2023 |
Ref: 42 USC 1751 et seq. (Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act)
42 USC 1771 et seq. (Child Nutrition Act of 1966)
7 CFR 210 (National School Lunch Program)
7 CFR 210.31 (Local School Wellness Policy)
7 CFR 220 (School Breakfast Program)
La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:17.1, 17:17.7, 17:197.1
Board minutes, 7-20-06, 9-15-11, 9-21-17, 9-28-23
East Baton Rouge Parish School Board