The East Baton Rouge Parish School Board herein referred to as “Board” recognizes the functions of school buildings and grounds shall be to accommodate approved school programs for students and to assist in meeting the educational, cultural, civic, social and recreational need of communities.  Use of school buildings by the community shall be considered a secondary function so as not to interfere with regular school-day programs of the students.


The sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages in school facilities and on EBRPSS property shall be prohibited at all times.


The use of any tobacco products shall be prohibited on any school campus, school vehicle or any other EBRPSS property.  School campus includes the elementary or secondary school building and buildings on that campus, school grounds, playgrounds, premises, and property, including but not limited to land, improvements, and school facilities located on the property of any elementary or secondary school.  EBRPSS property shall include any portable buildings, field houses, stadiums, equipment storage areas, vacant land or any property owned, operated or leased by the EBRPSS.


This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, any e-cigs, e-cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, advanced personal vaporizers, vape pens, and vape mods.  However, this prohibition shall not be applicable to any tobacco product approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for sale as a tobacco cessation product and which is marketed and sold solely for such purpose.




When the use of school facilities by the community is desired, the person must receive approval from the Superintendent or his/her designee.  Before approval can be given, the person, organization, or group shall do the following.


  1. The person must sign and submit to the Superintendent or his/her designee at least fifteen (15) days prior to the anticipated date of usage an Application and Agreement for Use of School Facilities form, which shall contain, but not be limited to, the following.


  1. The form shall include a waiver of any and all rights of recovery from the School Board, its members, and the school district for any injuries or damages resulting from the use of the school building facilities or grounds.  The person shall provide a certificate of insurance showing liability coverage for personal and property damages for the event being held, with a minimum of $1,000,000 general liability per occurrence.  The East Baton Rouge Parish EBRPSS, its members, the East Baton Rouge Parish School District, and employees, shall be listed on the policy as additional named insured.  A certificate verifying the purchase of such insurance shall be submitted with the use of the facilities form, otherwise, the event will be cancelled.  The EBRPSS reserves the right to require additional insurance coverage than that stipulated above if the use of the property is determined to have an increased liability exposure.


  2. The form shall include a statement that the person, organization, or group lessee shall assume ALL responsibility for damages and/or maintenance expenses invested in the building, directly or indirectly resulting from lessee's use, including utilities and upkeep of the buildings and grounds.


  3. The form shall contain a statement that no school facility shall be used for hazardous activities.




  1. Use of Schools as Voting Precincts

    The principals whose schools have been designated as voting precincts shall determine with the assistance of the Facilities Department where on the campus voting shall be held.  When the voting place is moved from its usual location for any reason, the principal shall have suitable signs placed to direct voters to the new place designated.

    When elections occur on school days, all schools shall remain open unless determined otherwise by the Superintendent.


  2. Use of School Facilities by School Personnel Organizations

    Requests for use of school facilities by school personnel organizations for meetings shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee for approval.  School faculty members may post on the bulletin board, or other appropriate area, information relative to the operation of their organization.  These organizations may forward, through the Public Information Officer, communications directly related to the organization for distribution through the mail shuttle service to a member thereof.


  3. Use of Schools for Dances

    Dances in which only students and faculties participate may be held in the schools.  Outside groups wishing to hold dances in the school, shall, by written request, secure permission from the Superintendent or his/her designee.


  4. Use of Schools for Civil Defense (New)

    The Civil Defense is authorized to use any and all necessary school facilities for emergency shelters or accommodations to help provide services to the public in the event of any declared emergency, in coordination with the Superintendent and/or his/her designee.


  5. Long Term Facilities Use

    Long term use of school facilities (a use greater than that required for a single event or a use exceeding one (1) week) by any outside person, for any activity not involving tutoring or enrichment activities for East Baton Rouge Parish students shall be initially approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee and shall not exceed a three (3) month lease term.  In deciding whether to approve the long-term use of a facility as described in this paragraph, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall determine that the proposed use does not interfere with the use of the facility for educationally intended purposes.  Thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the initial term, or any additional term, the lessee shall notify the Superintendent or his/her designee of its intent to renew with preference over others who apply for the use of the facility.  If the lessee fails to notify timely the Superintendent or his/her designee of its intent to renew its contract for use of the facility, the Superintendent or his/her designee may lease the facility to any other person or entity or decide to use the facility for other purposes.


  6. Use of School Building Facilities


  1. The term school facilities as used herein shall mean and include all school buildings, school grounds, or other buildings, property, or equipment, or any part thereof, belonging to, in the possession of, or operated by the school system.

    The term person as used herein shall mean and include the terms person, group, firm, association, corporation, organization, and all other similar terms.

    The term Athletic Facility as used herein shall mean any sports field, basketball court (indoor/outdoor), tennis court, pickleball court, swimming pool/lap lane, gymnasium, or other area used for an athletic event or purpose.

  2. Any person who is a resident of East Baton Rouge Parish may be permitted to use school facilities for meetings, programs, or other activities which are not prohibited by the laws of the State of Louisiana or the United States of America, except as otherwise provided below.

    No person shall be permitted to use school facilities for any meeting, program, or other activity the primary purpose of which is the personal, financial, or pecuniary benefit of such person; however, regularly employed persons of the East Baton Rouge Parish school system may be authorized to conduct enrichment programs if approval is first obtained from the Superintendent's office and provided funds derived from these activities are turned in to EBRPSS according to policy.

    No person shall be excluded from any meeting, program, or use because of that person's race, color, creed, national origin, sex, religious or political preference.


  1. All applications for the use of school facilities procedures set forth herein shall be considered for approval by the Superintendent or his/her designee.  Generally, the application will be granted unless it is determined that the proposed use of the facility by the applicant shall be detrimental to the orderly operation of the school system.  The Superintendent shall make a reasonable investigation of the application, person, club or organization and purpose of the use of such facility and shall notify the applicant in writing setting forth therein the reason for denying the application.  Such applicant shall have the right to petition the EBRPSS to appeal the Superintendent's decision in accordance with the procedures set forth hereinafter.


  2. No person, club, or organization granted permission to use school facilities shall bring, or permit to be brought, into or onto or about such school facility any alcoholic beverage, drug, or weapon as defined by the laws of the State of Louisiana and/or policies and regulations of the EBRPSS.


  3. Any person, club, or organization desiring the use of the building, grounds, or equipment belonging to, or located at, a particular school shall first contact the principal of the school to determine if it is available at the date and time requested and fill out the application form for submission to the office of the Superintendent.  The principal cannot grant approval, and a statement to this effect shall be set forth in bold print in the application form.


  4. The School District shall require the person applying to fill out an application form provided by the School District, which requires at least the following information and commitments:


  1. Name, address, and telephone number of person signing the application.


  2. Name, address, and telephone number of group or organization for which such use is requested.


  3. A description of the nature, policies, and purpose of such organization.


  4. A statement as to how the facilities will be used and the purpose thereof.


  5. A description of the school facility, or portion thereof, for which use is requested.


  6. Proposed date, time, and duration of such use.  (Facilities must be vacated by sponsoring groups (lessee) not later than 11:00 p.m.)


  7. A statement that the person signing the application has read and understands all policies, regulations, and procedures relating to the use of school facilities and that such person, club, or organization meets all requirements thereof necessary to obtain permission to use such school facility, as well as that the purpose of such use also complies with all of such policies and requirements.


  8. All persons attending the function or use of the school facility requested shall also be required to obey all rules and regulations of the School Board relating to school facilities, and the person, group, or organization shall be responsible for the conduct of all such persons.


  9. The person, group, or organization shall agree to:


  1. Be responsible for any and all damages of every nature whatsoever to the school facility or the school system resulting from its use by such person, group, or organization.

    The person, group, or organization shall see that the facility used is left free of debris and in a reasonable, clean condition.

  2. If the services of law enforcement, security personnel, and/or fire personnel are required by the School Board, the person, group or organization shall be responsible for making the necessary arrangements for such services and shall fully apprise the principal or building level administrator of said arrangements prior to usage.

  3. Waive any and all rights of recovery from EBRPSS, its members, and the school district for injuries or damages resulting from the use of school facilities.  The person, shall provide a certificate of insurance showing insurance coverage for the event being held, with a minimum of $1,000,000 general liability per occurrence.  The EBRPSS shall be listed on the policy as additional named insured.  A certificate verifying the purchase of such insurance should be presented to the EBRPSS the time of use of facility form is submitted.


Revised:  June, 2007 Revised:  November 16, 2017
Revised:  November 17, 2011 Revised:  July 20, 2023



Ref:    Constitution of Louisiana, Art. VII, Sec.14

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§14:91.7, 17:81, 17:240, 17:416, 40:1291.11

Board of Directors of the Industrial Development Board of the City of Gonzales, LA., Inc. v. All Taxpayers, Property Owners, Citizens of the City of Gonzales, et. al, 2005-2298, 938 So. 2d 11 (La. 9/16/06)

Board minutes, 11-4-99, 4-19-07, 11-17-11, 11-16-17, 7-20-23


East Baton Rouge Parish School Board