On This Page


Dealing with Grief

Grief is a healthy, human response to situations such as:

  • The death of a loved one
  • Separation or divorce
  • Miscarriage
  • Injury or disability
  • The loss of a job, property or pet
  • Children leaving home
  • Change

Grieving people share certain feelings:

  • Shock and denial
  • Anger
  • Guilt
  • Depression
  • Loneliness
  • Hopelessness

Take Care of your emotional needs:

  • Express your feelings
  • Accept help
  • Ask for help
  • Be kind to yourself

Take care of your physical needs:

  • Get plenty of rest
  • Stay healthy
  • Be alert for problems

Sources for Help

Drug & Intervention Guides

Additional information coming soon. For now, please see the drug guides available.


Suicide Prevention


Substance Abuse Prevention &
National Bully Prevention


Vaping Awareness