Parkview is not another building where learning takes place. It’s where learning comes alive. The dedicated faculty plan and create learning environments in which students thrive. The school offers self-contained gifted classes and resources, and talented music, talented art and talented drama for students who have been screened and qualify. All students are exposed to classes in music, physical education, library science and guidance. Parkview promotes a positive climate throughout the school. By making learning fun, showing enthusiasm and being respectful and personal, students enjoy behavior incentives such as Crazy Hair Day, Pajama Day, Jersey Day, Spooky Science, and Game Day. Parkview has an active Parent Teacher Organization that works tirelessly to help raise funds to support curriculums, technology and equipment.
Parkview is more than a building where learning takes place. Our mission is to empower students to be active learners and productive citizens in a global society. In addition to a rigorous curriculum that includes activities that enhance learning, social emotional learning is nothing new to our highly qualified staff. Parkview has always engaged in lessons that bring awareness to oneself and others, teaches time and self-management, exemplifies equity, and promotes social skills, social awareness and self-care. We say our Panther Pride Pledge every morning: “Today I will be prepared, I will be responsible, and I will be respectful. I am ready to learn.” This daily affirmation reminds students of the qualities they possess and encourages them to be the best version of themselves.
The East Baton Rouge Parish School System and all of its entities (including Career and Technical Education Programs) do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, national origin, disability, or gender in its educational programs and activities (including employment and application for employment), and it is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of gender by Title IX (20 USC 168) and on the basis of disability by Section 504 (42 USC 794). The Title IX Coordinator is Andrew Davis, Director of Risk Management –, (225) 929-8705. The Section 504 Coordinator is Danielle Staten-Ojo –, (225) 326-5668.
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