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SEAC - Special Education Advisory Council

Adapted Physical Education (APE)

Physical Education which has been adapted or modified, so that it is as appropriate for the person with a disability as it is for a person without a disability. The APE teacher is a direct service provider, not a related service provider, because physical education for children with disabilities is a federally mandated component of special education services. Federal law mandates that physical education be provided to students with disabilities and defines Physical Education as the development of the following:

-Physical and motor skills

-Fundamental motor skills and patterns (throwing, catching, walking, running, etc.)

-Skills in aquatics, dance, and individual and group games and sports (including intramural and lifetime sports)

The services provided by an APE teacher include the following:

-Planning services

-Assessment of individuals/ecosystems

-Prescription/placement: the IEP

-Teaching, counseling, and coaching

-Evaluation of services

-Coordination of resources and consulting


Assistive Technology

Drop down content.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) identifies Assistive Technology into two broad categories: Assistive Technology Devices and  Assistive Technology Services. An Assistive Technology Device is “any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.” An Assistive Technology Service is “any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device.” AT technical services include, but are not limited to, evaluation, acquisition, modification/customization, training, and technical support.

AT assessments are conducted by the multidisciplinary Assistive Technology Team composed of an Assistive Technology Program Specialist, Speech Pathologist, and Occupational Therapist. Exception Services students (or students being evaluated for Exceptional Student Services) with significant limitations in written or verbal communication, seating or positioning, computer access and computer based instruction in reading and math should be referred when standard modifications/accommodations have not been successful.

EBR Parish School System Exceptional Student Services Assistive Technology Equipment, Technical Support, and Training Request Form

Accessible Educational Materials, or AEM, are materials and technologies usable for learning across the widest range of individual variability, regardless of format or features. Whether a material or technology is designed from the start to be accessible for all learners or is made accessible for learners with disabilities, it is considered AEM. 

Many materials used by students in the classroom are print-based, such as textbooks and hand-outs. some students with physical, sensory, or intellectual challenges may have difficulty reading these materials. To bridge this gap, AEM provides the same information found in print-based materials. These materials are presented in formats that students with disabilities can use. Examples of formats that are used to make the information in printed materials accessible are Braille, large print, audio, and digital text.

Autism Program

The East Baton Rouge Parish School System Exceptional Student Services Autism Program is designed to meet the unique needs of students on the Pervasive Developmental Disorder Spectrum relative to the following:






Students address the academic and extended standards but with modified or adapted materials and are provided the appropriate rate of instruction so that the pace and rigor of the subject manner matches the skill level of the student.

The Significant Disabilities Program is designed to meet the unique cognitive and medical needs of identified students utilizing adapted or modified materials. Identified students address alternate assessment and extended standards.

The Community-Based Program addresses academics and gives students opportunities to learn and practice pre-vocational (middle school), vocational (high school) and recreational/leisure skills in the community. Participation allows for success in post-secondary activities.

Behavior program

This program is comprised of a team of behavioral strategists who promote effective, positive behavioral changes in students by providing research-based strategies and interventions to students and schools. The team conducts professional development in classroom management techniques, crisis prevention, and other related topics for the sole purpose of developing skills, replacement behaviors, and establishing effective relationships with emotional and at-risk students. Being proactive, behavioral strategists consult with teachers, school administrators, and staff to establish preventative approaches to address problematic behaviors.

Child Find

Child Find is a special education service provided for identifying children from ages 3 – 21 who are suspected of having an educational disability and who may be eligible for special education and related services.

What is included in the definition of Educational Disability?

Federal and state laws identify specific disabling conditions that entitle a child to special education service if it is determined that the disability is interfering with the child’s learning. These conditions, called Educational Disabilities, include the following:


-Developmental Delay

-Emotional Disturbance

-Hearing Impairment

-Intellectual Disability

-Multiple Disabilities

-Orthopedic impairment

-Other Health Impairment

-Specific Learning Disability

-Speech or Language Impairment

-Traumatic Brain Injury

-Visual Impairment (including Blindness)

Who is eligible for Child Search?

-Preschool children residing in East Baton Rouge Parish who are not enrolled in a preschool program

-Children ages 3 -21 attending a MSDE approved private/parochial school located in East Baton Rouge Parish, regardless of residency

Who may refer a child?

-Most referrals are made directly by a child’s parents

-Referrals (with parental consent) are made by health care providers, social workers, child care providers, and other individuals familiar with the child’s needs

What services are available?

-Services for eligible preschool children, who are also East Baton Rouge Parish residents, may include classroom instruction, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and audiological services

-Services for eligible preschool children are NOT residents of East Baton Rouge Parish are subject to the current Notice of Services for parentally placed private/parochial students

-Services for all eligible children in grades k-12 are subject to the current Notice of Services for parentally placed private/parochial students

Extended School Year Services (ESY)

ESY services are the provision of special education and related services to students with disabilities beyond the normal school year of the LEA in accordance with an IEP and at no cost to the parents of the student. ESY services are to be an extension of the regular school year program for students who have been determined to need these services to ensure the provision of FAPE. 

All students with disabilities age 3-21 with a current evaluation and current IEP must be screened for ESY using one or more of the ESY screening criteria. Eligibility for ESY is based on the data collection results on your selected criteria. Screen criteria selection is based on student need(s). You are required to select any criteria that apply to the student and his/her needs. This decision is made by the IEP committee at the time of the IEP meeting. 

These criteria are used to determine a student’s need for ESY services:

Regression-Recoupment Criterion – This criterion shall be applied to all students with significant cognitive disabilities or functions-like a student with significant cognitive disabilities at all age and grade levels, including preschool aged students.

Critical Point of Instruction (CPI) Criterion – This criterion shall be considered for ALL students.

Special Circumstances (SC) Criterion – Employment-students ages 16-21 shall be considered for ESY services when there is documentation (i.e., job performance data) that the student is in need of support to maintain paid employment.

Transition from Early Steps to Part B (Preschool) – Students transitioning from Early Steps to Part B preschool services who have spring/summer birthday shall be considered for ESY services.

Transition to Post-School Outcomes – Students who have a transition plan and who are expected to exit the LEA at the end of the school year shall be considered for ESY services. The teacher/instructional personnel shall examine the documentation of the incomplete action steps and corresponding goals that are the responsibility of the LEA.

Excessive Absences – A student with a disability who has document absences during the school year in excess of 25 days for health-related conditions without the provision of Hospital/Homebound Services and who has failed to make projected progress shall be considered for ESY services.

Extenuating Circumstances – There may be unusual situations or circumstances when ESY services may be needed, but the student does not meet any of the eligibility criteria.

Gifted & Talented

The Gifted Program is an accelerated, stimulating educational program for students identified as gifted in grades PreK–12 and enrolled in the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. Classes provide a high degree of complexity and extend beyond the prescribed curriculum offered in regular classes. Classes are taught by teachers certified in Gifted Education and have a reduced class size in order to individualize each student’s educational program.

The Talented Arts Program is an educational program for students identified as talented in visual arts, music or theater in grades K – 12 and enrolled in the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. Classes provided in these disciplines are designed to provide experiences that enable the talented student to further develop demonstrated skills, increase discipline knowledge, and grow as an artist.

Screening for Gifted and Talented services may be administered throughout the school year.

For more information, EBRPSS students should contact their school counselor, while private, parochial and home-schooled students should contact Pupil Appraisal at (225) 929-8600.

The Great Scholars Academy Program, an accelerated, stimulating program for high achieving/high potential middle and high school students. This program parallels the gifted program in complexity, class size, student activities and products.

The Gifted Program is an educational program for students identified as gifted in grades Pre-K through 12th and enrolled in the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. Pre-School candidates must be between the ages of 3 and 5. Classes provide a high degree of complexity and extend beyond the prescribed curriculum offered in regular classes. Classes are taught by teachers certified in Gifted Education and have a reduced class size in order to individualize each student’s education program

Characteristics of Gifted Children

-Learns rapidly and easily
-Reads extensively
-Has an advanced vocabulary
-Exhibits a long attention span
-Is curious and has a variety of interests
-Works independently
-Is alert and observant
-Has a good sense of humor
-Comprehends and recognizes relationships
-Is a high academic achiever
-Displays individuality
-Has self-motivation and is self-sufficient
-Demonstrates task commitment

The Pre-K Gifted Program is an educational program for children between the ages of 3 and 5 who are identified as gifted by the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. Pre-K classes provide a high degree of complexity and extend beyond the prescribed curriculum offered in regular classes. Classes are taught by teachers certified in Pre-K Gifted Education and have a reduced class size in order to individualize each student’s educational program.

Characteristics of Preschool Gifted

-Learns rapidly and easily
-Is self-teaching (might begin to teach themselves to read)
-Displays advanced vocabulary and sentence structure
-Has a fantastic memory
-Exhibits a long attention span concerning personal interests
-Is exceptionally curious
-Works independently and is self-motivated
-Is alert and observant
-Has a good sense of humor
-Comprehends and recognizes relationships
-Displays individuality
-Thinks creatively
-Has a high energy level
-Likes the company of older children and adults
-Displays a good imagination (likes to pretend)
-Like difficult and/or challenging activities
-Enjoys new and difficult tasks
-Can classify and categorize items
-Has an interest in taking things apart

Pre-K Gifted Admissions

Identification of a gifted student is a multi-step process. A child must be identified as “gifted” in accordance with the criteria states in Pupil Appraisal Handbook (Bulletin 1508).

Steps to Qualification

Step 1: Screening 

-By appointment with Pupil Appraisal personnel – results are provided at the end of the screen session
-No cost
-May be re-screened six months from the prior screening date
-contact (225) 929-8638 for more information

Step 2: Full Gifted Evaluation

-Pending the results of screening
-By appointment with Pupil Appraisal personnel
-Results are released within 60 days of the evaluation
-No cost
-May be re-tested one year from previous test date

Step 3: Placement

-Gifted Office personnel contacts the parents or legal guardians to offer placement at a school site with availability

Age Requirement: Must have had third birthday prior to initial screening

Transportation: None

Enrollment Period: Year Round

Tuition: None

Number of Space: 68

Locations: 4

Class Size: 17

Program Information and Features

Gifted Pre-K classes are taught using methods that target the ways the gifted brain learns best. Learning environments incorporate activities to develop independence, openness to new ideas, innovation, exploration, creativity, and decision making. The program provides a developmentally appropriate curriculum emphasizing enrichment (in-depth study, higher level thinking skills, creativity training, and problem solving) and acceleration (covering materials in a shorter period of time and learning skills at an earlier age than normally expected).

This program features small class sizes, enrichment and higher level thinking skills, compacted curriculum, creative opportunities, and individualized education. Pre-K students in gifted classes may be assigned to one of the following sites: Bernard Terrace, Buchanan, LaSalle, or Parkview. Assignments for kindergarten will be coordinated by the Gifted & Talented Office prior to enrollment for kindergarten. Written notification of kindergarten assignments will be mailed to the parents no later than March 1st.

The Talented Arts Program is an educational program for students identified as talented in visual arts, music or theatre in grades K – 12 and enrolled in the East Baton Rouge Parish School System.  Classes provided in these disciplines are designed to provide experiences that enable the talented student to further develop demonstrated skills, increase discipline knowledge, and grow as an artist.

Program Features

-Small class size

-Individualized Education Program (IEP) designed for each student

-Teachers certified by the Louisiana State Department of Education as qualified to instruct Talented students

-Curriculum content enriched beyond that available to students in the regular education arts classes

-High school students enrolled receive a Carnegie Unit of Credit toward graduation requirements

-Wide range of performance and exhibit experiences offered to students 

Scholastic Academy for grades Pre-K – 12 was created by East Baton Rouge Parish School System (EBRPSS), in conjunction with the Louisiana Department of Education, to help identify academically gifted children. Instruction is differentiated according to the student’s academic needs and is more rapid with less practice problems than in traditional classes. Rigorous, engaging, and challenging activities and curriculum are provided to create an enriched and accelerated environment that stimulates problem-solving and critical thinking, essential 21st century skills.


Current students and students new to EBRPSS in grades PreK-6 are eligible to enter this program. Scholastic Academy students benefit from exposure to a gifted self-contained or resource “pull-out” environment for a period of two years.  The Scholastic Academy program includes objectives to develop critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and oral and written language skills.  Scholastic Academy students in “blended” self-contained gifted classes must be capable of successfully functioning above grade level. Students must maintain an unweighted GPA of 2.5 and appropriate behavior standards. During the second year of program participation, the student will be evaluated for gifted identification. If a student does not meet gifted education evaluation criteria at that time, the student must be exited from the Scholastic Academy program, as stated in Louisiana Bulletin 1508.

7th to 12th: 

Students in 7th to 12th grade may be screened for admission into Scholastic Academy if they move into the district from other districts, states, countries, or transfer from private or parochial schools.  Program participation is limited to two years.  Scholastic Academy students will attend self-contained gifted classes with identified gifted students in a “blended” class. Placement, services, and curriculum follow Gifted Program guidelines. Scholastic Academy students will be administered the full gifted evaluation during the second year of program participation.  Students not identified as gifted will be exited from Scholastic Academy. Students in grades 6 – 12 exited from the Scholastic Academy program have the option to transfer into the Great Scholars Academy program if they qualify, or transfer to their home school. The Great Scholars Academy program provides a rigorous curriculum that is parallel to the gifted program.

Great Scholars Academy is an accelerated program with highly qualified teachers and a rigorous curriculum for middle and high school students in East Baton Rouge Parish School System. This program parallels the gifted program however Great Scholars students are placed in separate classes from the gifted students. Students must maintain an unweighted overall 2.5 GPA or higher to continue in the program. The Great Scholars Academy is located at the gifted middle and high school sites:

Capitol Middle School

Glasgow Middle School

Westdale Middle School

Woodlawn Middle School

McKinley High School

Woodlawn High School

Placement at school site is contingent upon application and acceptance by the Gifted and Talented Office. The Great Scholars Academy Application should be completed and returned to the Gifted and Talented Office with copies of the student’s most recent standardized test scores and report card or email the information to or fax it to (225) 929-8743.

Admissions Criteria

84th percentile or higher IQ composite score on district approved intelligence test OR National Percentile Rank of 84 or higher (Master and/or Advanced) in two subject areas on a standardized test in Reading/ELA, Mathematics, Science, and/or Social Studies administered within the past 12 months AND conform to behavior standards set by the school and school system.


GSA Assignment Letter 2021-2022

GSA Application (Reviewed July 2021)

Please Contact Us to Learn More!

Deaf and Hard of Hearing & Vision Impairment

The East Baton Rouge Parish School System provides comprehensive services for students who are deaf or hard of hearing through the Exceptional Student Services Department. Student who has a loss of hearing which interferes with the ability to perform academically and who meet the criteria of Bulletin 1706 qualify for services. those students may require accommodations in the classroom, interpreters, techniques, materials, and/or equipment in order to be successful in the academic setting.

Students may receive services in settings ranging from consultation with regular and special education classroom teachers to special classes in a regular school setting. Placement is determined in the IEP committee. A “cluster” concept has been initiated for students who require daily services of a teacher of the hearing impaired. This concept of clustering at one site facilitates daily resource instruction to students and provides for continued utilization of experienced regular classroom teachers from year to year. 

The District provides hearing impaired students with audiological services, classroom FM systems, interpreters, and other technology to ensure success.

The East Baton Rouge Parish School System provides comprehensive services for students who are Visually Impaired through the Exceptional Student Services Department. Students who have a loss or vision which interferes with the ability to perform academically and who meet the criteria of Bulletin 1706 qualify for services. Those students may require the use of specialized textbooks, techniques, materials, and/or equipment in order to be successful in the academic setting.

Students may receive services in settings ranging from consultation with regular and special education classroom teachers to special classes in a regular school setting. Placement in determined in the IEP Committee. A “cluster” concept has been initiated for students who require daily services for a teacher of the visually impaired. This concept of clustering at one site facilitates daily resource instruction to students and provides for continued utilization of experience regular classroom teachers from year to year. 

The District provides low vision aids, Braille instruction, transcription services, orientation & mobility, and both hardware and software technology specific to visually impaired students.

Occupational & Physical Therapy

Occupational therapy is provided to all students identified by a multidisciplinary team as disabled and in need of OT services. This service may involve remove the student from the classroom to work individually within an environment that is set up to encourage progress toward specified goals. 

Additionally, Occupational Therapists work with a child’s teacher, classroom aide, and others that have contact with the child on a daily basis. The therapist is familiar with the details of the child’s needs based on the results of the evaluation and goals establish in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and will work with the teacher to suggest training and teaching strategies, therapeutic activities, modifications to teaching materials, classroom set up, structure or teaching methods to help the child reach the goals established by the educational team.

Physical therapy is provided by physical therapist in the East Baton Rouge School System that work with other professionals to help students with disabilities to benefit from special education. This includes activities of a school day (i.e., moving throughout school grounds, sitting, standing in line or at the board, moving in class or through the building). All screenings, evaluations, consultations, and interventions are performed by physical therapists license by the State of Louisiana. Interventions may include adaptations to school environments, working with a student on motor skills, assistance with identifying and getting special equipment, and collaboration with school staff and other professionals.

Hospital Homebound

The East Baton Rouge Parish School System (EBRPSS) provides an alternative for all students (regular education, students with disabilities and 504 students) having a permanent or temporary medical illness/condition that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

The Hospital Homebound Program provides an alternative for students with a medical illness/condition that impacts their class work and ability to attend school for a designated period of time, as agreed upon by the Physician or Individual Education Program (IEP) Committee.

Before the decision to place a student in the Hospital Homebound Program, the following steps must be utilized by the school and family through the application process.

Compulsory Attendance Bulletin

Revised Section 1103 for Compulsory Attendance

Reference: Bulletin 741 – Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators Chapter 11. Student Services 1103 Compulsory Attendance 

A student who is enrolled in regular education or special education and who, as a result of health care treatment, physical illness, accident, or the treatment thereof, is temporarily unable to attend school, shall be provided instructional services in the home or hospital environment. (Homebound Instruction)

Homebound Instruction shall be provided by a properly certified teacher once all required forms have been completed and signed by the school principal and the Homebound Supervisor.

If the regular education student has not been previously identified as a student with a disability that already has an IAP in effect, then an IAP must be completed to show individual testing in the case that any state/district test needs to be administered to the student at home.

Homebound instruction, at a minimum, shall be provided in the core academic subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

Consideration shall be given to the individual need for services beyond the core academic subjects for students with disabilities.

Homebound services may be provided via a consultative model (properly certified regular or special education teacher when appropriate, consults with the homebound teacher delivering instruction) for students needing such services less than 20 days during a school year.

Upon receipt of Hospital Homebound application paperwork from the student’s home school counselor, the Hospital Homebound Program supervisor will assign a homebound teacher for that student. The student’s parent or legal guardian will be contact to schedule homebound sessions. Keep in mind that the homebound teacher could have as many as ten or eleven other students on their roll and scheduling can be challenging as the Hospital Homebound teachers follow regular school hours.

Assurance of the Effectiveness of the Program

Effectiveness of the program is assured by following these guidelines:

-On-site observations and evaluation by the homebound supervisor
-Weekly instructional schedules submitted to the Homebound Supervisor
-Copies of grades submitted within one week of the ending date
-Telephone contact by the supervisor to the student’s school
-Telephone contact by the supervisor to the student’s parent/guardian
-Conferences between the Homebound Teacher and the Supervisor 
-In-service meetings
-Hospital Homebound attendance accountability form
-Providing parent with the Return to School After Medical Absence Form and Exit Form

Books and Supplies

It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to pick up their child’s textbooks from their home school. Supplies (pencils, pens, paper, etc.) are also the responsibility of the student’s part or guardian. Students should be dressed for their Homebound lessons just as they would if they were attending on their school campus. The environment at home should be made as educationally conducive as possible with all music and televisions turned off during the student’s important one-on-one lesson.


The Hospital Homebound teacher will attempt to maintain the student’s standing in class so that after returning to school the student will not be at a disadvantage. Therefore, it is essential that the Hospital  Homebound teacher have access to teacher assignments, study guides, student workbooks, lecture notes, and evaluation instruments all designed from the Common Core State Standards for core subjects and Louisiana comprehensive Curriculum for other courses. In order to maximize instructional time with students, the Hospital Homebound teacher will visit the school to pick up assignments and materials periodically.

School Contact Designee

Each school is expected to designate a contact person to assist in implementing necessary communication between classroom teachers and homebound teachers, thus insuring an orderly transition from school to home and back to school. the school counselor or AP usually serves. 

Hospital Homebound Progress Reports

At least one day prior to the end of each reporting period and upon termination of services, the homebound teacher will submit a grade in each subject area for the period of homebound instruction. The school will accept grades as submitted and average them with grades earned before and/or after the homebound period to determine the official grades for the student’s report card and enter the grade in the computer. The Exceptional Student’s progress report, which addresses the level of achievement on the student’s IEP goals and/or objectives, will be turned in at the designated time indicated on the Exception Student’s IEP.

Supplemental Materials

Supplemental materials of instruction and supplies will be provided to the homebound teacher by one or more of the following:

-The homebound student’s classroom teacher
-Individual school libraries
-Homebound teachers/Homebound Office/Resource Room
-East Baton Rouge Parish Public Library
-Louisiana State Library
-The internet

The Homebound teacher is responsible for the following:

-Contacting the parent or guardian to determine the need for services and arranging a schedule to begin instruction
-Scheduling a meeting with the classroom teachers to pick up assignments, coursework, outline, answer keys, and any other materials necessary to support the student’s instructional program
-Developing and implementing a Homebound educational plan that will facilitate academic progress and met the instructional requirements of the student’s current educational program
-Providing progress reports and report cards as scheduled by the local school system
-Providing assistance with the student’s re-entry into school if necessary

Parents are responsible for the following:

-Notifying the school when it has been determined that the student will be out of school for longer than ten (10) consecutive school days for a qualifying illness – it is recommended that the parent or guardian notify the school administrator in writing
-Providing the name of the attending physician to authorize the release of medical 
-Assisting the child with instructional activities and ensuring appropriate instructional materials are available
-Secure student’s textbooks from home school

I. Notification: The Hospital Homebound (HH) teacher is notified by the HH Program by phone/fax/email or in person and given the following student information:

A. Student Info: Name, grade, home school, placement (Regular or Exceptional Student), and reason for requiring Homebound service. If the student is an Exceptional student, their exceptionality will be noted.

B. Parent/Guardian Info: Name, phone (work and/or home, cell), and address

C. Homebound duration: Beginning and ending date for Homebound service

II. Pick up at the Homebound office (Choctaw Administrative Center, room #29):

A. Pick up: two copied of the approved Hospital Homebound Application (one for your file folder and the other to be given to the parent at the initial session).

B. If the student is an Exceptional Student, a “current IEP” will be provided by the SENDING school when the application is sent to the Homebound office. An IEP should be opened before Homebound services can begin. The Homebound teacher should be invited to the IEP meeting. The Homebound department will provide the name and email of the Homebound teacher assigned.

1. If it is decided by the IEP committee that this Homebound student will require a new evaluation to place them as Homebound on IEP, Pupil Appraisal Services will be notified to begin that process.
2. If the student already has Homebound placement on the IEP, then it is the Homebound teacher’s responsibility to:

a. Maintain the student’s Yellow Folders (both History and Current) at the student’s home school
b. Write the IEP no later than 30 days before the anniversary end date of the IEP
c. Plan and conduct the IEP meeting and all its facets using IEPlus and SER programs

C. If the student is an Exception Student and expelled from an Alternative school, an evaluation process is started at the Manifestation Determination Meeting culminating in a Review IEP that contains a change of placement to Homebound until the end of the current school year. The Homebound application Form 3 will accompany the Exceptional Student documents after the process is completed.

1. The Alternative school teacher will update that IEP to reflect Homebound time after the NEW Evaluation is completed by PAS to indicate new placement in Homebound
2. You will work closely with the lead teacher to assist by contacting/notifying the participants to schedule a proposed time for the IEP meeting; obtain a print out of the Prior Notice and pony or mail it to those participants 

a. No hand written Prior Notices, please – only computer generated Prior Notices will be accepted

3. You will be provided the IEP or instructed on how to print it out from the Web IEP program in order to schedule and hold the IEP meeting with invited participants. The Homebound teacher will then return the IEP to the lead teacher for further processing, copying, and dissemination to participants and Special Ed. Records Room.

D. Pick up a blank RETURN TO SCHOOL AFTER MEDICAL ABSENCE form. Teachers will remind the parents to fill this out in a timely manner for the student’s return to school.

E. Pick up the Exit Letter that will notify the parent in advance that their child will be exiting homebound at the designated end date. Give the Exit Letter to the parent one to two weeks prior to the Homebound end date. 

1. Important Note: You must obtain permission from your supervisor to continue Homebound services after the Homebound end date without a medical or administrative extension. A medical extension in the form a letter from the attending physician on his letterhead stationary stating the need for extension as well as why and how long the extension is required. The school’s administrative extension would be done through an administrative decision. emphasize that Homebound services end on Hospital Homebound Application “end date” without exception. Communicate this to the parent/guardian at first contact.

III. Contact Log: Each student must have a CONTACT LOG as a part of his or her records on file

A. Phone and personal contacts will be written in this log. Log will be shared with the Homebound supervisor monthly or as deemed necessary

B. The log will indicate absences with the reason and/or excuse. A separate Student Attendance Roll Book will be used to record attendance as follows: 

E = initial visit 
1 = first absence (circle if excused, place an X over the absence number if officially unexcused)
2 = second absence (circle if excused, place an X over the absence if officially unexcused – if unexcused, report this to your supervisor as well as report any students you cannot find)
D = end date for Hospital Homebound

C. If the student is not at home for scheduled Hospital Homebound sessions, log this occurrence and leave a note indicating you were there. In the note, remind the student and parent of the absentee rule: one missed Hospital Homebound session equals 2.5 regular school days, If this happens again, the student will have been absent of 5 days and East Baton rouge Parish School System’s child Welfare and Attendance will be notified. Report these unexcused absences to Mr. Newman (see item VI in this directive) and the attendance clerk at the home school. the school will follow through with contacting CW&A

IV. Initial Parent Contact: contact the parent(s)/guardian(s) as soon as possible. Cover the following items on the initial phone call or other contact. If phone contact does not work, go to the home for initial contact. If no one is home, leave a message indicating the need for communication, the purpose of your visit, and your phone number. If these methods fail, notifying Mr. Newman of your continued attempts and discuss sending a registered letter to the home. Be sure you have the correct address/phone number by checking eSchoolPlus or with the guidance counselors at the home school and/or attendance clerk. They may possess new information about this student.

A. Identify yourself: (Mr. ___ or Mrs. ___ ) Always speak with the parent or guardian when communicating concerns about student. You must establish a dialogue with the parent from the beginning to the end of Homebound service so that the responsible individual for that student is always involved with his or her child’s instruction. Important note: if you communicate with the parent through the student, he or she may translate information you discuss with them to the parent differently or slanted toward their needs. Be aware that parents will likely believe what their child says you said and may receive incorrect information as a result. Log your contacts at all time.

B. Discuss student’s condition of health: Psychological health (if offered), behavior etc. If special education or otherwise, ask about medications, direct or related services received privately or from EBRPSS. This will be needed to write correct General Student Information in the IEP (or IAP for regular ed. students). Ask about prescription glasses and other augmentative devices such as hearing aids, computer switches, etc.

C. Discuss date/time for initial Hospital Homebound session. Be sure the parent understands that a mature, responsible adult must be present in the home during the entire Homebound instruction session.

D. Inform the parent/guardian and student that you will be requesting assignments from each classroom teacher on their schedule and checking the Cumulative folder, school, and/or eSchoolPlus concerning past academic performance, behavior and test scores. However, ask about their impressions of their academic progress. Ask what they feel are their child’s academic strengths and weaknesses. Inform the parent/guardian that you will obtain a copy of the up-to-date scores from the school Cumulative folder.

E. Ask if they have everything they need from the school to facilitate their child’s educational experience while on Homebound. Supplies are responsibility of the parent/guardian.

What is the Hospital Homebound Instructional Program?

Hospital Homebound is an instructional program provided to regular or special education students who are unable to attend school because of a medical condition. Students receive instruction in the hospital or home environment to help them keep up with their coursework while absent from school for a qualifying medical illness.

Are Homebound and Homestudy the same instructional program?

No. Homebound services are provided in the hospital or home environment by teachers assigned through the local education agency. Homestudy students, also referred to as “homeschool students,” receive instruction from their parents in the home environment.

Who is eligible for Hospital Homebound?

Public school students certified by their attending physician as having a medical condition that requires the student to be away from school for a period longer than 10 consecutive school days.

Where do parents apply?

Parents may apply at the student’s school or at the local school board office.

Who will teach my child?

Student should be taught by a properly certified teacher assigned by the local education agency, especially if services will be needed for a period longer than 20 school days. Services may be provided via a consultative model (properly certified regular or special education teacher consults with the Homebound teacher delivering instruction) for students needed such services for less than 20 days during a school year.

Can my child receive instruction in classes beyond English, math, science, and social studies?

Considerations shall be given to the individual need for services beyond the core academic subjects for students with disabilities.

Orientation & Mobility Training

Orientation and Mobility Training is a program for students who are blind or visually impaired that are trained to travel independently within the school environment and the community at large, as appropriate to student needs. This program’s main purpose is to ensure that visually impaired students use the senses in determining their position in relationship to surrounding and moving from a fixed position to a desired position within the environment.

Pre-School Program

Drop down content.

Drop down content.

Under IDEA “eligible” children with disabilities, ages 3-21, are entitled to receive a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). The public school program for young children, ages 3-5, is called the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD).

The Exceptional Student Services Preschool Program is a free service of the EBR Public School System. Our program is designed to serve disabled students ages 3-6. this program offers opportunities for activities and routines, curriculum, and planning that are research-based, developmentally-appropriate, and address the Early childhood Standards regarding the following areas of growth:

-Language and communication

-Self-help skills

-Social interactions, coping skills, and self-regulation skills

-Safety issues

-Pre-academic skills

-Gross motor development

-Fine motor development

Pupil Appraisal Services

Pupil Appraisal Services provide the provision of services to students who have academic, behavioral, and/or communication challenges or other special needs in which adversely impact the student’s educational performance. services are provided to students, parents, teachers, and other school personnel.

Service delivery includes:

-Assistance to teachers and other school personnel in the development and implementation of behavioral and/or instructional interventions through the district’s Response to Intervention (RTI) process

-Provision of support services to non-disabled students with academic, behavioral, and/or communication difficulties

-Consultation with parents, students, teachers, and other personnel on related topics

-Provision of staff development to school personnel

-Evaluation of students to determine whether they are exceptional and in need of a specialized educational program and/or related services according to LDOE Pupil Appraisal Bulletin 1508

-Referral to other outside appropriate agencies when warranted

Licensed and/or Certified members of the multidisciplinary team composition in East Baton Rouge Parish include:

-Educational Diagnosticians

-School Psychologists

-School Social Workers

-Speech/Language Pathologists


-Adapted P.E. Specialists

-Occupational therapists

-Physical therapists

-School Nurses

-Assistive Technology Specialists


-Orientation and Mobility Specialists

-Visually Impaired Specialist

Speech & Language Therapy

Speech Language Pathology “The Core of Common Core”

It is the mission of the Speech and Language Therapy Program to secure the highest quality personnel, resources, and materials in order to provide the highest quality of services to students with communication impairments. The Speech Language Therapy Program provides a continuum of services for communication-impaired students including early identification, evaluation, therapy, and consultation. Speech therapy services are provided when it is documented that the student needs services to benefit from the education program. These services are collaborative and focus on skills that promote attainment of education objective. Service delivery models may vary according to the needs of the student and may include direct, consultative, and tracking/monitoring. Frequency of services is based on the student’s needs. Speech, hearing, and language services are provided for students identified according to the guidelines of the Louisiana Pupil Appraisal Bulletin 1508. Services are provided for students ages 3-21 enrolled in the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. We also provide therapy for non-public speech-impaired students in a non-public setting according to the school accreditation.

Communication disorders may be exhibited by an impairment in any one or combination of the following:





Transition Services

Transition services are coordinated set of activities for students with disabilities designed to improve academic and functional achievement and to facilitate the student’s transition to postsecondary life. Transition activities cover areas of instruction/related service, community experiences, employment, post school adult living, functional vocational evaluation, and daily living skills. These activities are geared towards the student’s postsecondary goals in the areas of training or education, employment, and independent living (if applicable). In the East Baton rouge Parish School System, transition services are addressed for students with disabilities who are 15 years of age or older.

To maximize postsecondary outcome, the East Baton Rouge Parish School System ensure the following:

-Postsecondary goals addressing education or training, employment, and independent living (as needed) are measurable and realistic

-Age-appropriate transition assessments are used to design measurable postsecondary goals

-Transition services/activities in the IEP are specific, coordinated, and are geared towards meeting every postsecondary goal

-Each individual Graduation Plan (IGP) is updated and is aligned with the student’s postsecondary goals

-There are IEP goals that are related to transition service needs

-The student and the parent are invited to the IEP team meeting where transition planning is done

-Transition agency is invited to participate in the meeting if consent is obtained from the parent or age-of-majority student

-Transition activities on the IEP are being carried out in a timely manner within the IEP year

-Districtwide transition activities are made available to the members of the IEP team to strengthen transition planning and increase employment outcomes

-Parents are given multiple opportunities to receive information related to transition opportunities, activities, and linkages

-Linkages and partnerships are strengthened among the agencies and local businesses in the community to increase college, career, and employment opportunities

-Regular and close collaboration of the Exceptional Student Services Department with Guidance and Counseling Department, Career and Technical Education Department, and other departments within the district are being maintained to maximize student opportunities for college, career, and employment

Interest and Aptitude Assessment (Career Scope Interest Inventory) – A standardized interest and aptitude test that is used for transition planning. The data allow the teachers and IEP teams to guide students toward postsecondary goals.

Work Keys Curriculum – A curriculum used to help prepare the students to score at least a “Silver” for the Work Keys Exam required for students who are on the Jump Start pathway. A score of “Silver” is equal to a credential.

Career Ready 101 – A set of curricula on workplace skills, soft skills, financial awareness and other career and employment skills that are used to prepare students for employment.

Job Readiness Classes (through LRS’ Pre-ETS) – Address work readiness skills including soft skills and work-based learning.

Vocational Training – Provide students with significant disabilities an opportunity to apply vocational skills in worksites within the community.

Functional and Recreational Outings – Allow students with significant disabilities an opportunity to apply daily and independent living skills in the community.

Transition Fair – Connects parents to transition agencies that provide programs appropriate to the needs of their children. It also provides students opportunities to showcase their products (related to transition) to participating parents. It is held in March, the district’s transition month.

Job and Career Exploration – Provides students an opportunity to visit postsecondary institutions (such as worksites, colleges, and universities) for career exploration and planning. It is held in March, the district’s transition month.

Student Diversity Job Fair – An opportunity for an actual interview, applying the skills and lessons learned in the classroom and a possibility of getting hired by local businesses and agencies. It is done in March, the district’s transition month.

Graduation Pathways Support – training, resources, and guidance provided to schools and IEP teams to effectively plan for students who are pursuing the Jump Start or Alternative Pathway/Act 833 and the Career Diploma (Lead Connect)

Transition and Vocational Training Partners

-Louisiana Rehabilitation Services

-The Arc of Baton rouge

-Raising Cane’s River Center


-Hampton Inn

-Family Dollar

-Purple cost

-Winn Dixie

-Shopper’s Value


-LA Department of Horticulture

-Hi Nabor

-St. Vincent de Paul

-East Baton Rouge Parish Library

-EBRPSS Exceptional Student Services Department

-EBRPSS Central Office