Our Mission

Melrose Elementary will challenge students of all abilities to achieve excellence in a variety of academic, culture, and social activities by offering a differentiated, effective and rigorous curriculum. Each child will be valued as an individual in his/her own right and mutual respect encouraged by all staff members.

Our Vision

At Melrose Elementary we are dedicated to preparing students to have the knowledge, skills, and abilities that will make them successful. Our academic program is rigorous, and instruction is tailored to each child’s abilities. Our faculty and staff are committed to our students’ success. Our school environment is nurturing and engaging. Above all, we are distinguished by our commitment to excellence.
Bulldogs B.A.R.K.

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for upcoming events!

Melrose Open House

Pre-K – 2nd Grade End of Year Field Trips

End of the 2023-2024 School Year Activities

LEAP Pep Rally

Hey there Melrose Family, here are some wonderful moments captured from our Leap Pep Rally for our 3-5 students . Safe to say they had a terrific time . P.S Fourth Grade took home the Spirit Stick Woooo !! 

2024 Easter Egg Hunt

We had a great time at our 2024 Easter Egg Hunt!

Our Trip to the LSU Softball Game

Check out our cool photos from the LSU vs Texas AM softball game . We had a blast!