High School
Principal Robert Signater | rsignater@ebrschools.org
Assistant Principal Coretta Thomas | cthomas4@ebrschools.org
Assistant Principal Jamari Tillman | jtillman@ebrschools.org
Academic Coordinator Brian Foreman | bforeman@ebrschools.org
Executive Secretary Shondrica Lee | shlee@ebrschools.org
School Clerk Ingrind Elbert | ielbert@ebrschools.org
Athletic Director Johnny Duncan | jduncan@ebrschools.org
Middle School
Principal Kiersten Victorian | kvictorian@ebrschools.org
Dean of Students Kendric Joseph | kjoseph@ebrschools.org
Executive Secretary Patricia Stewart | pstewart20@ebrschools.org
Attendance Clerk Yolanda Anderson | yanderson@ebrschools.org
Guidance Counselor Ebonis Murry | emurry@ebrschools.org
Guidance Counselor Ashley Williams | awilliams18@ebrschools.org
Math Coach Carlecea Chenevert | cchenevert2@ebrschools.org
Literacy Coach Shana Watson | swatson@ebrschools.org
Speech Therapist Twana Malveaux | tmalveaux@ebrschools.org
Speech Therapist Kanika Foster | kfoster@ebrschools.org
Time Out Room Moderator Dwayne Harrison | dharrison@ebrschools.org
Time Out Room Moderator Elliott Wilkins | wilkins@ebrschools.org
Guidance Clerk Tiara Mitchell | tmitchell6@ebrschools.org
Edgenuity Instructor Jyotibala North | jnorth@ebrschools.org
Parent Liaison Andrea Simmons | asimmons2@ebrschools.org
Magnet Coordinator Kandi Thompkins | kthompkins@ebrschools.org
JAG Specialist Ryan Williams | rwilliams27@ebrschools.org
Social Studies
John Barrow | jbarrow@ebrschools.org
Nicholas Eberly | neberly@ebrschools.org
Bobby Grant | bgrant1@ebrschools.org
Alexis Saizon-Cowley | acowley@ebrschools.org
Laurie Callahan | lcallahan@ebrschools.org
Laura Efferson | lefferson@ebrschools.org
Johnny Duncan | jduncan@ebrschools.org
Leticha Jack | ljack@ebrschools.org
Larry Pate | lpate@ebrschools.org
Zyria Robinson | zrobinson@ebrschools.org
Kaylin Rogers | krogers4@ebrschools.org
Juan Thomas | jthomas9@ebrschools.org
Toi Thomas | trogers@ebrschools.org
Elizabeth Anderson | eanderson1@ebrschools.org
Shirley Burton | sburton@ebrschools.org
Ciera Dickson | cdickson@ebrschools.org
Ellen Donaldson | edonaldson@ebrschools.org
Elizabeth Landry | elandry2@ebrschools.org
Antonio Lubanga | alubanga@ebrschools.org
Veronic McGee | vmcgee@ebrschools.org
Estelle Moses | emoses@ebrschools.org
Charitie Thomas | cthomas3@ebrschools.org
Michael Vick | mvick1@ebrschools.org
Villion Williams | vwilliams7@ebrschools.org
Physical Education
Harvey Adger | hadger@ebrschools.org
Radio Broadcasting
Adrian Augustus | aaugustus3@ebrschools.org
Sonya Gilbert | sgilbert@ebrschools.org
Ronald Mahomes | rmahomes@ebrschools.org
Alton McGee | amcgee2@ebrschools.org
Tangi Milton | tmilton@ebrschools.org
Quaneal Nixon | qnixon@ebrschools.org
Jamie Rivers | jrivers2@ebrschools.org
Medical Magnet
Roslen Terrance | rterrance@ebrschools.org
Faydra Thomas | fthomas4@ebrschools.org
Cheryl White | cwhite100@ebrschools.org
Yvonne Asberry | yasberry@ebrschools.org
Sean Beauchamp | sbeauchamp1@ebrschools.org
Wenceslao Fadrigalan | wfadrigalan@ebrschools.org
Allen Metran | ametran@ebrschools.org
Yolanda robertson | yrobertson@ebrschools.org
Ahrianne Smith | asmith2@ebrschools.org
Marlon Watkins | mwatkins@ebrschools.org
Child Specific Teacher Aide
Marvin Jackson | mjackson12@ebrschools.org
Community Based ESS
Minita King | mking3@ebrschools.org
Self-Contained ESS Instructors
Jennifer Nicholas | jnicholas1@ebrschools.org
Lilybeth Pongyan | lpongyan@ebrschools.org
ESS Paraprofessionals
Maurice Irvin | mirvin3@ebrschools.org
ESS Transportation
Yolanda Daniel | ydaniel@ebrschools.org
Lela Kelly | lkelly1@ebrschools.org
SETA Paraprofessional
Dollice Boatner | dboatner1@ebrschools.org
Parent Liaison Andre Gordon | agordon@ebrschools.org
JAG Specialist Kenneth Haynes | khaynes2@ebrschools.org
Social Studies
Chadrick Bethley | cbethley1@ebrschools.org
Courtney Kirby | ckirby@ebrschools.org
Jericha Richards | jrichards@ebrschools.org
La’Koria Landry | llandry@ebrschools.org
Shannon Powell | spowell@ebrschools.org
Lakendrick robinson | lrobinson7@ebrschools.org
Antrella Johnson | ajohnson7@ebrschools.org
Physical Education
Katrina Dotson | kdotson@ebrschools.org
Rynn Porche | rporche@ebrschools.org
David Kelly | dkelly4@ebrschools.org
Audrey Henry | ahenry@ebrschools.org
Antwann Webb | awebb@ebrschools.org
ELA Instructor
Kina Williams | kwilliams27@ebrschools.org
Teacher Aide
Norris Wright | nwright1@ebrschools.org
David Moran | dmoran@ebrschools.org
Education for Careers
Vivian Harris | vharris@ebrschools.org
Instructor Jennifer Holmes | jholmes2@ebrschools.org
The East Baton Rouge Parish School System and all of its entities (including Career and Technical Education Programs) do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, national origin, disability, or gender in its educational programs and activities (including employment and application for employment), and it is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of gender by Title IX (20 USC 168) and on the basis of disability by Section 504 (42 USC 794). The Title IX Coordinator is Andrew Davis, Director of Risk Management – ADavis6@ebrschools.org, (225) 929-8705. The Section 504 Coordinator is Danielle Staten-Ojo – DStaten@ebrschools.org, (225) 326-5668.
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