ADA Compliance

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What We Do

The ADA Compliance Office was established in July 2021 and charged with monitoring, coordinating, and recommending action toward the State and Federal Laws and guidelines governing equal access to all occupants and visitors of East Baton Rouge Parish School System facilities.

Our Mission

The ADA Compliance Office is committed to ensuring equal access for all stakeholders. 

Services Offered

The primary services of the ADA Compliance Office are:

  • Perform ADA site assessments for schools and administrative facilities
  • Assist in providing reasonable accommodations for students and staff, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Review and respond to general public inquiries and complaints related to facility accessibility
  • Serve as District point-of-contact for State Department of Education ADA mandates
  • Coordinate District sign language services for parents, professional development, and public events
  • Serve as District point-of-contact for camera requests in the self-containted classrooms

Federal ADA Regulations and Standards

The ADA statute identifies who is a person with a disability, who has obligations under the ADA, general non-discrimination requirements, and other basic obligations. It delegates fleshing out those obligations to federal agencies. The agencies issue regulations and design standards.

The regulations have the details on the rights of people with disabilities and the responsibilities of employers, state and local governments, transportation providers, businesses, and non-profit organizations. The design standards specify how many entrances need to be accessible, how many toilet rooms and the design for those elements. To know what the ADA requires, you should read the laws, regulations, and design standards. Please see the links below.

ADA Statute

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (external)

ADA Regulations and Design Standards

ADA Standards for Accessible Design (external)
ADA Title I Employment Regulations (external)
ADA Title I Regulations on Employer Wellness Programs (external)
ADA Title II Regulation for State and Local Governments (external)

ADA Facility Grievance/Complaints

Cameras in ESS Classrooms

IDDFC - Cameras in Special Education Classrooms
Request for the Installation of Audio/Video ESS Classroom Recording
Request to Review the Audio/Video Recording in an ESS Classroom

Request for Sign Language Interpreter

1. A School or Department requesting the services of a sign language interpreter for a parent, employee, or member of the general public should complete the Request for Sign Language Interpreter Form and fax it to Deaf Focus. The District has an agreement with Deaf Focus to provide American Sign Language services. The request should be generated at least ten (10) working days before the date services will be provided.

2. To generate a request for interpreting or captioning services call 225-319-5586 or email

3. Cancellations occurring less than one business day in advance of the scheduled assignment will be charged the full time scheduled.

4. A copy of the Request Form must be sent to the EBRPSS ADA Compliance Office. 

5. For confirmation of the interpreter’s availability, the school or department requesting the services should contact the providing agency at least two (2) working days after submitting the request.

6. The school’s or department’s responsibility is to inform the agency providing the interpreter(s) of any cancellation. (Failure to properly cancel will result in the school or department being responsible for any fees incurred.)

7. During an assignment, if the interpreter is dismissed prior to the originally requested time, the fee for the scheduled time will be charged.

8. The agency providing the interpreter will submit the invoice(s) directly to the EBRPSS ADA Compliance Office.

Deaf Focus

3112 Valley Creek Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70808, Suite E

Phone: (225) 319-5586
Fax: (225) 308-4025

Contact: Jay Isch