
EBRPSS Summer Meals

No application is required, and drop-ins are encouraged! Meals are provided on-site Monday through Thursday, beginning May 28 until August 2, 2024, excluding Monday, June 17, and Thursday, July 4. Families can find a convenient location by clicking the button below.

Rural Site Brunch Kits

Families must pre-register (link here). On Mondays and Thursdays, three- and seven-day brunch kits can be picked up at Northeast Elementary School in Pride, LA.

Meals on the Geaux

This grab-and-go service is offered at select housing authorities and libraries throughout the city of Baton Rouge. No application is required. Check the EBRPSS Summer Feeding Meals on the Geaux list for specific dates and times.

SUN Bucks, a.k.a. Summer EBT

This SNAP program provides school-aged children with additional benefits to purchase healthy food. For more information, visit the Department of Children & Family Service.

Additional Summer Resources Coming Soon

(GRADES 6-12)

May 28 - June 27 | 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

No Transportation

Deadline to Sign Up: 5/28/24

Max Number of Participants: 100

Target Population:

Incoming students in 6th – 12th grades

Locations Available:

Tara HS

Description: Designed for students who have previous instruction in bad courses, both middle and high school. The session will provide a wide range of engaging activities to reinforce and further students’ musical skills. Activities will allow curious students to study topics in-depth by discovering  new concepts through musical play and exchanging ideas with their intellectual peers. Some activities include: proper mouth, hand, and body positioning; care of the instrument; more advanced rhythms; chromatic notes/rudiments; tuning with others; articulations/sticking/rhythms.

Purpose: To further students’ musical knowledge and skills within the framework of band music making.

(GRADES 5 - 12)

May 28 - June 27 | 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

No Transportation

Deadline to Sign Up: 5/28/24

Max Number of Participants: 50

Target Population:

Incoming 5th – 12th grade students

Locations Available:

Tara HS

Description: Students will experience a wide range of engaging activities that reinforce and further students’ musical skills including chromatic notes, tuning with others, proper bowing, double stops, ear training, and pizzicato.

Purpose: To further students’ musical knowledge and skills in orchestra strings

Students in Transition (Homeless)

June 3 - June 20 | 8:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

Transportation Available

Deadline to Sign Up: Invitation Only

Max Number of Participants: 100

Target Population:

Students in Transition

Locations Available:

Claiborne ES

Description: The program consists of academics, enrichment activities, and field trips designed to enhance cultural development, and lessons provided by community partners.

Purpose: To serve homeless students and students who are performing below grade level expectations in grades Pre-K through 5th with reserved spots for homeless students.

kick-off to kindergarten (grade k)

June 3 - June 20 | 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

No Transportation

Deadline to Sign Up: Invitation Only

Max Number of Participants: 400

Target Population:

Incoming Kindergarteners

Locations Available:

Crestworth Early Learning Center, Capitol  ES, Cedarcrest-Southmoor ES, Claiborne ES, LaSalle ES, Magnolia Woods ES, McKinley ES, Park Forest ES, Riveroaks ES, Ryan ES, and Woodlawn ES

Description: The Kick-Off to Kindergarten program is designed to ensure Pre-K students are engaged in intensive, phonological awareness and phonics instruction.

Purpose: Provide strong literacy foundational skills to promote Kindergarten readiness.

(GRADES 6 - 12)

June 3 - June 20 | 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

100 - 250

Breakfast & Lunch

No Transportation

Deadline to Sign Up: See below

Max Number of Participants: 60

Target Population:

Middle and High School students who want to participate in scholastic esports (entering grades 6th – 12th)

Locations Available:

Professional Development Center, 3000 N Sherwood Forest Dr. 

Description: Students who participate will learn about the esports industry, personal cyber safety & security, the history of gaming, and career pathways found in the esports ecosystem. Week 2 will feature content creation through digital design using emerging technologies and web-based platforms. Students will build a digital portfolio of products they create, including promotional graphics, logos, game design, and storyboarding. Week 3 will serve as a culminating week of knowledge application as students utilize industry-based tools to develop original games, produce and edit videos, learn about 3D printing, and host a mini-tournament. Participants can begin any week.

Purpose: To provide students authentic opportunities to explore the esports industry through the lens of the NASEF Scholastic Esports Ecosystem Domains.

Tuition Cost Breakdown: $100 per week or $250 for all 3 weeks

Deadline to Sign-Up:

Participating in all three weeks: May 24, 2024
Week One: May 24, 2024
Week Two : June 6, 2024
Week Three: June 13, 2024

(GRADES K - 2)

June 3 - June 20 | 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

Transportation Available

Deadline to Sign Up: 4/19/24

Max Number of Participants: 120

Target Population:

English learners (ESL) entering K – 2nd grade

Locations Available:

LaSalle ES

Description: The K-2 Elementary Summer Program will teach English language lessons, STEM activities, arts, and Spanish lessons.

Purpose: Provide an opportunity for newcomer and emergent K – 2 EL students to catch up, keep up, and develop their English language skills as well as improve reading, language, and critical thinking skills in a fun, creative, and hands-on approach with strategies that affect a measurable and lasting impact on our EL learners.

(GRADES 4 - 12)

June 3 - June 27 | 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

No Transportation

Deadline to Sign Up: 5/30/24

Max Number of Participants: 40

Target Population:

Students in 4th – 12th grades with an interest in art

Locations Available:

Tara HS

Description: The perfect way for children to create art, plan and execute an exhibition, and make new friends. Students explore a wide variety of genres and techniques, improve and learn new skills. Choose three of six classes offered: painting: watercolor, acrylic; drawing: graphite, pen and ink, mixed media; collage; and mixed media techniques. Students get to execute a final exhibition of work.

Purpose: Explore new media and techniques and develop your artistic talent in the fun, engaging atmosphere of summer camp.

Tuition Cost Breakdown: $75 Registration Fee + $400 Camp Tuition


June 3- June 28 | 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

No Transportation

Deadline to Sign Up: Invitation Only

Max Number of Participants: 50

Target Population:

Opportunity Now students

Locations Available:

Tara HS & Woodlawn HS

Description: Project CREATE is available exclusively to Opportunity Now Students. We offer a paid work experience for youth that focuses on the digital creative arts. Participating youth are afforded an experience that provides professional work experience, character and soft skills development, workplace ethics, team building, and confidence development. We work with a variety of youth who are eager to learn and challenge themselves through media technology.

Purpose: This experience puts students on the path to learning professional editing software, learning about photography, video production, and graphic design via computer as well as professional equipment while mastering their smartphone to produce professional work. It is a fun experience while they enjoy making new friends, growing skills, and unleashing untapped talent.


June 3 - June 27 | 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

No Transportation

Deadline to Sign Up: 5/15/24

Max Number of Participants: 150

Target Population:

Students attending Glen Oaks Park ES and Glen Oaks High and surrounding areas

Locations Available:

Glen Oaks Park ES

Description: The program is designed to close educational gaps using current school data. Enrichment activities such as Spanish, art, music, physical education, social-emotional learning, and theater are incorporated into the curriculum. Educational field trips will also be integrated to further student learning. This program also includes a mental health awareness session for parents, showing our commitment to student holistic development.

Purpose: The goal is to create and operate a seamless system of prevention support that includes students from grades K-12 in the EBR Parish School System. This will include primary prevention, intervention, mental health, and treatment services.

(GRADES 6 - 12)

June 10 - July 17
1st Session 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
2nd Session 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

250 - 500

Breakfast & Lunch

No Transportation

Deadline to Sign Up: 6/6/24

Max Number of Participants: N/A

Target Population:

Students in 6th – 12th grades

Locations Available:

Broadmoor HS

Description: The program permits students to retake courses they have previously been unsuccessful in due to excessive absences, inability to grasp the content, or other factors associated with academic failure.  The program also permits students to take a select offering of courses for initial credit. 

Purpose:To provide students with an opportunity to acquire new or unearned credits needed for promotion or high school graduation during summer months.

Tuition Cost Breakdown: 

Middle School $250 Tuition per course 

High School $250 Tuition per ½ credit / $500 Tuition full year credit

(GRADES 3 - 5)

June 5 - June 26 | 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

Transportation Available

Deadline to Sign Up: Contact School

Max Number of Participants: 850

Target Population:

Elementary students in need of LEAP 2025 remediation and/or Literacy support

Locations Available:

Several host sites

Description: Students will have two classes per day receiving instruction in English/language arts & math. Science and social studies content may be included as appropriate.

Purpose: Provide criteria-based summer remediation program that meets the requirements of Bulletin 1566 and offer high quality instruction to identified students.

(GRADES 6 - 8)

June 5 - June 26 | 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

Transportation Available

Deadline to Sign Up: Contact School

Max Number of Participants: 500

Target Population:

Middle school students in need of LEAP 2025 remediation and/or Literacy support

Locations Available:

Several host sites

Description: Students will have two classes per day receiving instruction in English/language arts & math. Science and social studies content may be included as appropriate.

Purpose: Provide criteria-based summer remediation program that meets the requirements of Bulletin 1566 and offer high quality instruction to identified students.

(GRADES 9 - 12)

June 5 - June 27 | 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

Transportation Available

Deadline to Sign Up: Contact School

Max Number of Participants: 600

Target Population:

High school students in need of LEAP 2025 remediation 

Locations Available:

Several host sites

Description: High school students will use the Edgenuity platform’s blended course work materials for all core content areas. Students must attend eight days of instruction to receive credit, but students may retest only. high School students have two classes, some students may be able to attend half day depending on their LEAP testing requirement.

Purpose: Provide criteria-based summer remediation program that meets the requirements of Bulletin 1566 and offer high quality instruction to identified students.

(GRADES K - 5)

June 10 - June 20 | 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

No Transportation

Deadline to Sign Up: 5/30/24

Max Number of Participants: 60

Target Population:

Gifted students entering 1st – 6th grades

Locations Available:

Shenandoah ES

Description: Master teachers from EBR schools will offer seven days of fun-filled enrichment for Gifted and Talented students in grades K – 5. The program incorporates active play, curiosity, and creativity that inspires enthusiastic participation.

Purpose: Provide an exciting and engaging camp for EBRPSS Gifted and Talented students.

(GRADES 8 - 12)

June 10 - June 27 | 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.



No Transportation

Max Number of Participants: 30

Deadline to Sign Up: 5/28/24

Target Population:

Incoming 8th – 12th grade students with an interest in band

Locations Available:

Tara HS

Participants MUST participate in the morning Summer Band Jam Camp ’23 to attend the Jazzy Twist session.

Description: Designed for students who have previous instruction in band courses, both middle and high school. The session will provide a wide range of engaging activities which will reinforce and further our students’ musical skills. These activities will allow curious students to study topics in depth by discovering new concepts through musical play and exchanging ideas with their intellectual peers. Some activities include: proper mouth, hand, and body positioning; chromatic notes/rudiments/Jazz scales and chords; tuning with others; jazz articulations/sticking/rhythms; stage presence. 

Purpose: To further students’ musical knowledge and skills within the framework of band music making and within the jazz genre.


June 10 - July 18 | 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

Transportation Available

Deadline to Sign Up: Invitation Only

Max Number of Participants: 410

Target Population:

Students in grades Pre-K through 12 who require special education services beyond the school year according to their IEP.

Locations Available:

Winbourne ES (Pre-K – 5), Arlington Preparatory (6-12)

Description: ESY is designed to provide educational and related services in excess of the normal school year to students with disabilities based upon the student’s specific needs identified on the Individual Education Program (IEP) to meet those needs.

Purpose: Promote reading and math skills, physical activity, team building, and motivated learners. To keep students engaged over the summer, while developing great academic and athletic skills and technique and, most importantly, to have fun.

ESY is based on criteria set by the Louisiana State Department of Education and Federal IDEA regulations.


June 24 - June 27 | 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Breakfast & Lunch

Transportation Available

Deadline to Sign Up: 5/27/24

Max Number of Participants: 15 per grade level

Target Population:

Students in Grade 6 – 8 with IEPs

Locations Available:

Arlington Preparatory 

Description: The Exceptional Student Services department is hosting an ESS Summer Enrichment Camp for students who were in grades 6th through 8th.

Purpose: The purpose of the camp is to provide students with disabilities academic and enrichment activities during the summer. Student will participate in activities focused on strengthening math and writing skills, art, and other team building activities.

Please note that a lottery system is used for enrollment to this camp and you will be notified by camp administrators of acceptance.

Pardon our progress!

This site is currently being reorganized.  Some links may be temporarily impaired. We apologize for any inconvenience.