English as a Second Language

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What We Do

Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students

The purpose of Title III, Part A, is to help ensure that children and youth who are limited English proficient, Native American, and/or immigrants, attain English language proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English, and meet the same challenge State academic standards that all children are expected to meet.

Meet the Team

Administrative Director of Federal Programs, Dr. Sandra Bethley | SBHorton@ebrschools.org

Executive Director of ESL, Cesar Rico | CRico@ebrschools.org

District ESL Instructional Support Specialist, Dr. Amy Pan | APan@ebrschools.org

District ESL Instructional Support Specialist, Anita Harleaux | AHarleaux@ebrschools.org

School Counselor, Mara Girona-Dodd | MGirona@ebrschools.org

Coordinator of Title I, Maricel Salvacion | MSalvacion@ebrschools.org

School and Parent Communication Liaison, Shawna Floyd | ShFloyd@ebrschools.org

Parent Liaison, Amparo Torralbas | ATorralbas@ebrschools.org


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