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Adult Education

The Office of Adult Education provides education opportunities for adult learners that will help them succeed at work, at home, and in their communities. The program is the fifth largest program in the state and the largest K-12 provider in the state. The program is ranked among the Top 10 best-performing programs in the State of Louisiana. The program currently operates 12 adult learning centers, one ESL/civics/citizenship program, and one High School Equivalency Testing Center. The program serves more than 1,100 adults each year. Additional services include pre-employment test prep, workplace safety certification courses, and CPR/First Aid certification courses. The program is expanding its services to include online course options and computer-based testing for the high school equivalency exam.

Adult Learning Centers

Baker Learning Center
Miracle Place Church Complex
2034 Main Street
Baker, LA 70714

Monday – Thursday | 9:00am – 1:00pm and 5:00pm – 8:00pm
(225) 775-8159

Lead Teacher: Ms. J. Tynes

ESL/Civics – McAuliffe Center – *Pre-Registration Required*
12000 Goodwood Blvd.
Baker, LA 70714

Monday – Thursday | 8:30am – 12:30pm and 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Office Hours: Friday | 8:00am – 11:30am
(225) 226-7631

Lead Teacher: Ms. V. Tangi

McAuliffe Learning Center
12000 Goodwood Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70815

Monday – Thursday | 9:30am – 8:00pm
(225) 226-7631

Lead Teacher: Ms. L. Gordon

McKinley Learning Center
McKinley Senior High Library
800 East McKinley Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Monday – Wednesday | 3:00pm – 6:00pm
(225) 226-7631

Lead Teacher: Ms. T. Chew

Scotlandville Learning Center
Scotlandville High School Library
9870 Scotland Avenue

Monday – Wednesday | 3:00pm – 6:00pm
(225) 226-7631

Lead Teacher: Ms. D. James

Satellite Adult Learning Centers

Family Road Learning Center
323 East Airport Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70806

Monday – Wednesday | 4:00pm – 7:00pm
(225) 201-8888

Lead Teacher: Ms. D. James

LSU Learning Center
Employee Development Center
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Online enrollment for LSU employees only.
(225) 226-7631

Lead Teacher: Ms. P. Newbold

Residential Adult Learning Centers (NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

EBR Parish Prison Learning Center
2867 General Isaac Smith 
Scotlandville, LA 70807

(225) 355-3311

Lead Teacher: Ms. D. James

GED/HiSET Information & Dates

Please note that pre-registration is required. Contact the Baker, McAuliffe, or Rosenwald Adult Learning Center or visit for additional HiSET registration information.

Hight School Equivalency Information

Beginning January 1, 2014, the Louisiana High School Equivalency diploma will be based on the HiSET test from Educational Testing Service (ETS) instead of the GED test.

Eligibility Requirements

Individuals who are at least 19 years of age or older are eligible to take the test without enrolling in Adult Education or passing a qualifying test. Individuals who are 16, 17, and 18 years of age must achieve qualifying scores on the HiSET Official Practice Test AND have an authorized agent complete the Louisiana Authorization Form prior to testing.

Individuals who are 17 and 18 years old must:

-Provide documentation of withdrawal from K-12 system
-Enroll in an approved adult education class
-Pass the Official High School Equivalency Practice Test

Individuals who are 16 and 17 years old must meet the above criteria in addition to one of the following:

-Pregnant or parenting
-Incarcerated or adjudicated
-Institutionalized or living in a residential facility
-Have chronic physical or mental illness
-Family or economic hardship

Individuals 15 years or younger are not allowed to take the high school equivalency test or enroll in classes at a WRU Literacy Provider.

Individuals may earn a High School Equivalency diploma by passing an exam that verifies that they have gained the knowledge equivalent to accepted high school standards. The tests on the exam cover English language arts and reading, English language arts and writing, math, science, and social studies.

Registration is now available for qualified individuals. Visit an Adult Learning Center to register for the test or go to to register.

Steps to Schedule a HiSet Testing Appointment

Step 1: Before scheduling your appointment, view the requirements for taking the HiSET exam in Louisiana. You need to agree that you meet these eligibility requirements when schedule to take the HiSET exam. 

Step 2: Find a testing center near you.

Step 3: Schedule your appointment

If you have any questions, please call ETS Customer Service at 1-855-MyHiSet (1-855-694-4738).

Registration/Test Fees

Paper-delivered tests: $21 ($15 ETS fee, $6 test center fee)
Computer-delivered tests $16.75 ($10.75 ETS fee, $6 test center fee)

-A $10 annual state administration fee will be collected when you register for your first sub-test; this is an annual fee and will be collected once eery 12 months
-You will receive two retests per sub-test; however, you must pay the $6 test center fee each time you take a sub-test

Please log in to your HiSET account or call ETS Customer Service at 1-855-MyHiSet (1-855-694-4738) for more information.

Fees payable by debit or credit card (American Express®, MasterCard®, Discover®, VISA®, and JCB), PayPal®, or eCheck.

For more information on fees and refunds, visit the “Test Takers” page at

Who can enroll? How old do I have to be?

Adult Education services are offered to anyone 18 years of age or older and not currently enrolled in a K-12 program. Anyone completing the Youth Challenge Program or a home school program is eligible to enroll.

How do I enroll in the Adult Education Program? Do I have to take the entire TABE test? What is the enrollment testing procedure?

Contact the center of your choice to schedule a registration appointment. After completing the registration process and placement tests, a meeting with a counselor will be scheduled at which time your course of study can begin. An ID or birth certification and Social Security number are required. 

When can I begin?

After registration and testing have been completed and a course of study has been developed, a start date will be assigned.

How long does the HiSET process take? How long will it take to get my High School Equivalency Diploma?

The Adult Education program is an individual, self-paced program so completion times vary.

What are the locations and times the centers are open?

See the “Adult Learning Centers” tab above.

How many hours am I required to come to school?

A set number of hours are not required, but a recommendation will be made during the registration process.

How do I get back in after dropping out?

Contact the center of your choice for re-enrollment instructions. See the “Adult Learning Centers” tab above for the contact information for each location.

Waiver to Exit

Students who are 16 and 17 years of age may request a waiver to exit school to enter adult education. 

Students who are 16 or 17 years of age and currently enrolled in an East Baton Rouge Parish School System school must report to their assigned school to obtain and complete the waiver form.

Students who are 16 or 17 years of age and live in East Baton Rouge Parish and have been most recently enrolled in a home school program or an out-of-parish or out-of-state school  must report to the appropriate EBRPSS school in the attendance zone in which they live to obtain and complete the waiver form. To locate your school/school system, click here.

Students who are 16 and 17 years of age and live outside of East Baton Rouge Parish or who have been most recently enrolled in a charter, home school, online, private, or RSD school must obtain the form from that agency/institution or the school district in which they live and submit the form to the superintendent or agency administrator of that institution for approval.

NOTE: Non-EBRPSS schools/officials may obtain a copy of the waiver form by sending an email request to or by calling (225) 226-7648.

Proper Documentation

The waiver to exit request must be submitted with proper documentation. The following items must be included:

-Age Waiver Counseling form (EBRPSS Students only)
-Completed Age Waiver Request to exit school
-Documentation of the need for the waiver based on one of the categories listed below:

-Pregnant or actively parenting
-Incarcerated or adjudicated
-Institutionalized or living in a residential facility
-Chronic physical or mental illness
-Family and/or economic hardships – family and/or economic hardship is defined as a student who acts a caregiver or must work to support the family due to a parent’s death or illness, or needs to be removed from an existing home environment.

Once the completed waiver to exit packet is received, it will be reviewed by the appropriate  EBRPSS Executive Director and the EBRPSS Director of Adult Education. 

Once approved, the EBRPSS Director of Adult Education will forward a copy of the approved age waiver to the assigned Adult Education Program. The assigned Adult Education Program must have an approved waiver BEFORE the student may enroll in Adult Education.

Once the student has completed orientation and enrollment in Adult Education, a copy of the approved waiver will be provided to the referring school with an effective drop date.

Exception to the 16 and 17 Year Old Age Waiver Requirements

-Students in the Louisiana National Guard Youth Challenge Program (YCP) must present a copy of the graduation certificate/letter verifying participation in YCP or if recently dismissed from the program must present a copy of the letter of dismissal
-Married 16 and 17 year olds must submit a copy of their marriage licenses
-Emancipated 16 and 17 year olds must submit a copy of their emancipation documents
-Students who have graduated from a K-12 program must present a copy of their diploma

ESL English Classes

We offer classes to adults who do not speak English as their native language. The ESL English Classes help students improve their speaking, listening, reading, and writing English skills at all levels. Enrollment is a 3 step process that includes: registration, orientation, and testing. Only after all three steps will student be placed in the ESL English Class that matches their level. 

Step 1: Registration

There is limited face-to-face registration. Go to the Christa McAuliffe Adult Learning Center at 12000 Goodwood Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70810, to pick up registration papers. Please call (225) 226-7631 for help. 

Online Registration is available here in English or in Spanish. Be sure to answer all questions and submit the form.

Step 2: Orientation

Orientation will explain the procedures and policies for the Adult Ed school and ESL classes. There is limited face-to-face orientation in small groups. Your time is scheduled on the registration papers.

Online orientation is offered at 8:30am and/or 6:00pm

-You must register through EventBrite for the date of orientation you wish to attend
-Immediate sessions are July 27-30, please click the times listed below to reigster
-More will be offered in August, please check here for future updates

8:30am ESL English Classes Orientation July 27-30
6:00pm ESL English Classes Orientation July 27-30

Please call (225) 226-7631 or (225) 366-7337 with any questions.


To be determined. Please check here for future updates.

Alternative Education

The Office of Alternative Education’s mission is to provide meaningful and measurable learning experiences for students who have experienced behavioral challenges, academic difficulties, or barriers to acquiring successful matriculation in a traditional learning environment. EBRPSS is committed to providing a positive, student-centered, safe, and academically comprehensive program that is sensitive to the varied learning styles of all students. Each alternative education program or school will meet the unique needs of students and equip them with the tools needed to be thriving citizens in the community, nation, and world. In partnership with the iCare Department, Reengagement Programs supports training and implementation of Restorative Practices in EBRPSS. The use of restorative practices in schools and throughout the community encourages the use of strategies to support students and adults to learn from the experience that led to the conflict and examines attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that may have contributed to the conflict. Our goal is to reduce suspensions and expulsions district-wide and ultimately influence changing mindsets of adults and students in schools.


Additional information coming soon!

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