Northdale Academy students help care for animals in new minifarm

The new minifarm at Northdale Academy keeps students on the go. Six dedicated students are members of the agricultural science program’s “go” team.

“They have to go and take care of my animals. It’s their responsibility,” said ag science teacher Chelsea Johnson, a Southern University graduate who helped start the Northdale program last year.

The two male pigs, six chickens and two female goats started arriving over the summer. The “go” team has received thorough training in maintaining the animals’ physical health and well-being, as well as, cleaning the cages and collecting chicken eggs. Northdale offers Agriculture Science I and II.

“It’s building life skills,” Johnson said. “They have something to like forward. They run to my class. They’re looking, they’re monitoring and they’re excited about it. I love it. I love to see their faces.”

The team will present at the Southern University livestock show in February.

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