EBRPSS’ Exceptional Student Services Department Holding Panel Discussion

When is the right time to hold the transition IEP? What is LRS? How do I best prepare my child to transition from middle to high school?  These are valid questions of parents preparing their son/daughter with disabilities as they transition from middle to high school. Navigating the path can be much easier when there is a road map.

Helping establish a transition road map for your child with disabilities is the goal of the “OPTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES PANEL DISCUSSION … What’s Next?” Presented by the East Baton Rouge Parish School System’s Exceptional Student Services (ESS) and Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC). This panel discussion of transition experts will involve parents, the district supervisor of ESS, an ESS teacher, a district guidance support representative, and postsecondary experts in special education transition services from high school to college.

Mark your calendars and be prepared to join the SEAC at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 19, for this panel discussion via Zoom (Meeting ID: 996 8986 4453, Passcode: DuNF4Y).

Guest panelists will include Dr. Gerlinde Becker, Comprehensive Transition Programs, Southeastern University; Johnny Manela, former director of Programs for Successful Employment (BRCC/PARENT); Jada Netters, disabilities services coordinator for Southern University; Kimberly Storm, special accommodations coordinator for the University of Louisiana at Monroe; Robert Garcia, EBR ESS supervisor for High School Programs; John Robinson, high school ESS teacher; and Lyntoy Smith, EBR district guidance support. 

Questions for panelists can be submitted prior to the day of the panel discussion. Submit questions to https://bit.ly/SEACPANEL. 

For more information, contact Dr. Janet Harris at 225-615-8721 or janetharris@ebrschools.org. You may also find more information regarding Exceptional Student Services and the East Baton Rouge Parish School System via their website at www.ebrschools.org.

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