Louisiana Department of Education Releases 2023 Parent & Family Engagement Survey

The Louisiana Department of Education has launched an online survey designed to evaluate the engagement of parents/guardians within five separate domains: creating a welcoming environment, collaboration in support of student learning, practicing effective communication, practicing sharing power and advocacy and facilitating community involvement.  Available until June 2, the survey provides administrators and educators the opportunity to recognize strengths in their family engagement practices and create strategies for improvement.

LDOE 2023 Parent & Family Engagement Survey

·          English: https://form.jotform.com/231354231130035 

·         Spanish: https://form.jotform.com/231384735740155

·         Chinese:  https://form.jotform.com/231385088763162

·         Arabic: https://form.jotform.com/231384725775162

·         Vietnamese: https://form.jotform.com/231384918817163

The survey consists of 16 items and is designed to gather feedback from parents about the district as a whole and individual schools.  The survey is designed to be completed by parents once per school (not child). If the parent/guardian has children in multiple schools, they should complete one survey per school.

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