By now, you have all received communications regarding the closure of district facilities and cancellation of all out-of-school activities for Wednesday, Sept. 11, and Thursday, Sept. 12. While the safety and well-being of our students, staff and their families remain our top priorities, we also want to limit the disruption to student learning. Therefore, as students are dismissed from campuses on Tuesday, they will be sent home with assignments via Chromebooks and/or printed packets. We ask that students complete these assignments to the best of their abilities. For those most impacted by the storm and may not have access to the internet and other resources, makeup opportunities will be provided upon their return to school. Transitioning to remote learning structures will minimize learning loss and decrease in-school makeup time that may be required later on for students and staff.

Mayfair Lab principal, Baton Rouge Magnet teacher named state semifinalists
✨Congratulations✨ to Mayfair Laboratory School Principal Kyle Fontenette and Baton Rouge Magnet High School teacher Christopher Frazier for being named