Charter Schools

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Charter schools offer teachers, parents and community members the opportunity to create new public schools in response to community needs. In return, these chartered schools agree to be held accountable by their authorizer- the EBRPSS- for student performance outcomes. If the charter school fails to produce the promised student outcomes, the authorizer may intervene in a variety of ways, and, as a last resort, can close the school. Quality charter school authorizing is the linchpin of the charter promise of accountability for results and the creation of quality educational opportunities. While EBRPSS is not responsible for the ultimate success or failure of a charter school, the district impacts that outcome by providing strong oversight and accountability.

Recognizing new and innovative ways of carrying out our mission, EBRPSS has become a charter authorizer.  The district engages in pro-active relationships and a value added approach to the schools with which we partner. During the start-up phase of the process, EBRPSS staff works closely with founding groups to ensure a successful opening. Once operational, EBRPSS staff monitors the financial, organizational and academic performance of its schools through frequent communication, regularly scheduled site visits, and data/ document reviews.  The district recognizes the great challenges and difficulties in starting a school and provides support in navigating the process while respecting the autonomy and uniqueness of each school.

A copy of the board approved district charter policy may be found here.

East Baton Rouge Parish School Board 2024-25 District Charter School Application Process
for Schools Opening in the 2026-27 School Year or Beyond
Forms and Information Needed for Submission of a Type 1 or Type 3 Charter School Proposal

In compliance with R.S. 17:3982, the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board is making public through our website, and in printed form upon request, the guidelines for submitting a charter proposal, all forms required for submission of a charter proposal, the timelines established for accepting and reviewing charter proposals, the process that will be used to review charter proposals submitted to the board, and the name and contact information for a primary point of contact for charter proposals.

I. Charter School Application

Applicants should complete the 2024-25 Common Charter School Application found here.
Applicants should complete the appropriate application based on whether or not they are a New Charter Operator or an Experienced Charter Operator.

II. Charter School Process Schedule

August 28, 2024: Charter application released
September 9, 2024: Deadline for districts to post all required information to their websites
September 30, 2024: Letter of Intent to Submit an Application due to
October 25, 2024: Applications due. Applicants should email all application components to
January 17, 2025: Last day for East Baton Rouge Parish School Board to make decisions to approve or deny charter applications
January 31, 2025: Report any charter entered into; the number of schools chartered; the status of those schools, and any recommendations relating to the charter RFA process to

III. Charter Application Review Process

All charter applications will be reviewed by an independent evaluator with educational, organizational, legal, and financial expertise. Applicants will have the opportunity to provide to the evaluator a written response to the independent evaluation of their charter application before the evaluator provides a final recommendation to East Baton Rouge Parish School Board.

IV. Charter School Contact Information

Individuals or organizations with questions about the district’s charter application process should contact:
Kimberly Boudreaux, Portfolio Manager
(225) 922-5626

Charter Portfolio Manager, Kimberly R. Boudreaux | | (225) 922-5400

Charter School Administrators

For charter school administrative materials, please see the resources listed below.

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